What is fracking and why is it controversial? Flashcards
What is fracking and why is it controversial?
What does the government say?
An anti-fracking protester writes messages on a wall in Lancashire
The government believes shale gas has the potential to provide the UK with “greater energy security, growth and jobs” and says it “could be an important part of our transition to a low carbon future”.
Prime Minister Theresa May told the Yorkshire Post shale gas extraction was important “because of the impact it can have on our future energy security”.
Her predecessor David Cameron was also a supporter of fracking, saying it could support tens of thousands of UK jobs and reduce bills.
Downing Street has said shale gas planning applications in England are to be fast-tracked to crack down on councils that delay decisions.
However, Labour has called for fracking to be “banned, not promoted”, describing shale gas as a “dirty fossil fuel”.
what do critics say?
Critics, including Labour and Greenpeace, accused the government of a U-turn.
what do the mp say about
However, 11 months later MPs voted to allow fracking at 1,200m below national parks, Areas of Outstanding National Beauty, the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads and World Heritage Sites.
A subsequent study found it was “highly probable” that fracking causes what
tremors. - earthquakes
but the tremors would be to small to do what
A government-appointed panel said there could be more tremors as a result of fracking, but they will be too small to do structural damage above ground.
it is recommended for what
It recommended greater monitoring and said operators should observe a “traffic light” regime, with tremors of magnitude 0.5 or above triggering a “red light” and an immediate halt.
What did the goverment say about fracking in National Parks?
In January 2015, MPs overwhelmingly rejected an outright ban on fracking but did pledge an “outright ban” on fracking in national parks.
which firm started fracking in the UK
Energy firm Cuadrilla has begun fracking in the UK for the first time since the process was halted in 2011 over earth tremor fears
where are the reserves of shale gas in the UK
However, reserves of shale gas have been identified across large swathes of the UK, particularly in northern England.
Applications have also been submitted in Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire and for a second site in Lancashire.
HOW many firms are there for fracking
Other firms looking to start fracking include Third Energy, IGas, Aurora Energy Resources and Ineos.
how did other parts of the uk respond to fracking
Governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have all said they will oppose fracking until further research is completed into its environmental impact.
Has test drilling been completed?
In 2011, Cuadrilla suspended test fracking operations near Blackpool after earthquakes of 1.5 and 2.2 magnitude hit the area.
What are the advantages of fracking?
Fracking allows drilling firms to access difficult-to-reach resources of oil and gas.
In the United States it has significantly boosted domestic oil production and driven down gas prices.
Why is it controversial?
The extensive use of fracking in the US, where it has revolutionised the energy industry, has prompted environmental concerns.
Fracking uses huge amounts of water, which must be transported to the site at significant environmental cost.
What does the government say?
The government believes shale gas has the potential to provide the UK with “greater energy security, growth and jobs” and says it “could be an important part of our transition to a low carbon future”.
what has shale gas offered to america and canada
It is estimated to have offered gas security to the US and Canada for about 100 years
shale gas generated electricity at half at what?
, and has presented an opportunity to generate electricity at half the CO2 emissions of coal.
what does the shale gas industry say
The industry suggests fracking of shale gas could contribute significantly to the UK’s future energy needs.
job security
The Task Force on Shale Gas, an industry-funded body, said the UK needed to start fracking to establish the possible economic impact of shale gas - saying it could create thousands of jobs.
climate change
what are the concerns to using shale gas
As well as earth tremor concerns, environmentalists say potentially carcinogenic chemicals may escape during drilling and contaminate groundwater around the fracking site.
what could happen if bad practice happens
The industry suggests pollution incidents are the results of bad practice, rather than an inherently risky technique.
what do campaigners say
Campaigners say fracking is distracting energy firms and governments from investing in renewable sources of energy, and encouraging continued reliance on fossil fuels.
“Shale gas is not the solution to the UK’s energy challenges,” said Friends of the Earth energy campaigner Tony Bosworth.
“We need a 21st Century energy revolution based on efficiency and renewables, not more fossil fuels that will add to climate change