What is business management(Definitions) Flashcards
To prepare for IB Business Management Exams
a human, physical or financial resource needed to create a product
a product created using inputs that satisfy consumer’s needs
a person who starts a business
Physical resources
the raw materials, semi-finished products(e.g. steel), and capital goods that a business needs to start producing its product
Capital goods
goods that are used to make consumer products
Financial resources
the funds needed to set up a business
Short-term financing
the financial solutions that a business uses to cover their immediate needs(e.g. inputs, salaries, etc.)
Long-term financing
the financial solutions that a business seeks to use for extended periods of time and is typically reserved for major investments or projects
the inventory held by a business to sell to customers(finished products)
a term used to refer to both the raw materials used in production and the finished goods which are ready for sale
Human resources
the people needed to run a business
a business venture(new business/business activity that involves the potential for both risk and return
tangible outputs which satisfy consumer needs(e.g. furniture, stationer, etc.)
intangible outputs which satisfy consumer needs(e.g. healthcare, education, etc.)
the process by which the output of a system becomes an input to the same system
meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
a system for producing and provisioning goods and services among a group of people
Primary sector
the extraction or production of raw materials from the Earth
Secondary sector
the processing of raw materials into finished goods
Tertiary sector
the provision of services for consumers or other businesses
Quartenary sector
the provision of knowledge-based services(e.g. IT, consultancy, research, etc.)
Supply chain
the steps involved in creating products
Intergrated business
a business where activities span one or more sectors
the process of having one or more internal functions of a business performed externally by another person or business
a favourable external condition or trend that is beneficial to the business
an unfavourable condition or threat which harms the business
Business plan
a written document that describes a business, its objectives and its strategies, the market that it is in and its financial forecasts
when the total value of all goods and services in a country(GDP) increases
when the total value of all goods and services in a country(GDP) decreases(usually for 6 or more months)
an increase in the general price level(usually expressed as a percentage change)
a decrease in the general price level(usually expressed as a percentage change)
Interest rate
the cost of borrowing money(as a percentage of the principal amount)
Exchange rate
the price of one country’s currency in terms of another country’s currency
government payment to businesses
payment from individuals and businesses to the government
Total revenue
all the income received by the business in a specified period of time
Total costs
all the capital spent on a business in a specified period of time