Weekend Revision (Chapter 3 - Paper 1) Flashcards
How many bits does ASCII have?
7 Bits and 128 Characters.
How many bits does extended ASCII have?
8 bits, 256 bits
How many bits does unicode have?
16 Bits, 65536 characters,
What are Bitmaps made up of?
Different coloured squares.
What do vectors store?
Mathematics required to draw a shape.
What is metadata?
Data about data, width, height, author etc.
Is sound discreet or continuous?
Analog - continuous value.
What is the sample rate?
How often the amplitude of a sound wave is recorded.
What will happen to the sound the more often the sample is recorded?
The playback will sound smoother.
What is the bit depth?
How many different gradations of amplitude can be represented in a digital waveform.
What does compression do?
Reduces the size of the file so it takes up less space.
What should be compressed in lossless form?
Text files and executable files.