week7 Learning Flashcards
Definition of learning?
An organism’s repeated or sustained new behaviour, developed over time, in reponse to an environmental stimulus.
Describe habituation.
Basic form of learning. Over time, reflex behaviours are overcome.eg.can sleep with lights and noise. dog and cat in same household don’t fight.
describe the process of classical conditioning.
eg. Pavlov. Dog tastes food (unconditioned stimulus), then dog drools (unconditioned response). Repeatedly ring bell immediately before dog eats.Eventually dog drools (conditioned response) when bell rings(conditioned stimulus).
What makes conditioned response happen faster or slower?
Faster if unconditioned stimulus is especially intense, and/or the neutral stimulus appears just before the unconditioned stimulus.
Define generalisation.
A conditioned response has broadened to occur to a less specific conditioned stimulus than the original.eg.Conditioned to be fearful of German shepherds becomes conditioned to be scared of all dogs…
Define extinction.
Conditioned stimulus not encountered for period and thus conditioned response is lost.OR over time conditioned stimulus (“come” command) is presented without the unconditioned stimulus (eg food) therefore dog no longer comes.
A formerly learnt response is lost
Define exposure therapy.
to treat phobias, subject is exposed to the things they fear.
Explain flooding
Type of exposure therapy. Subject exposed directly to their phobia
Explain desensitization
Type of exposure therapy. Subject is exposed to facets or doses of their phobia with increasing intensity, eg dogs and noise phobia cd etc
What is Thorndike’s “law of effect”?
The consequences of a behaviour determine how likely the behaviour will be repeated. Did I get out of the maze? Did I get the cheese?
Describe the process of operant conditioning
Over time, a behaviour is proven to lead to rewward/good outcome, OR avoidance of punishment. eg. Mice learn to navigate maze. maremmas learn to guard penguins etc.
A positive reinforcement…
rewards a good behaviour.eg dog being quiet, gets a pat.
a negative reinforcement…
ceases when a good behaviour is performed. eg. dog has sock, o hits dog and only stops when dog drops sock.
A positive punishment…
is something bad happens when a bad behaviour is performed. eg kid sticks fork in socket and gets electrocuted
A negative punishment…
where something good gets taken away in response to a bad behaviour. eg. kid punches kid and therefore loses gaming time.