Week 9 Pm Flashcards
Affect, vs emotion, vs feelings
Definitions, were horrible.
Mood more long lasting.
But it’s really unclear, not on exam.
Emotion in music, expectation, bunch of studies.
Expectation influence what you hear,
Philosophical pov of music
Referential ism.
Today, formalism, absolute expressionism.
Also let’s talk about the language,
Rfeenrialism and absolutism are a dichotomy. some identify with one or the other more,
Program music, is an example,
Claire de lune, tell a story, tone poem, word painting,
Meaning of music external. (Not within music)
Meaning within music, nothing more.
I think I prefer REFERENTIALITY, aside
Similarity to this with REFERENTIALITY and formalism (structural meaning, limited just getting that aspect really only for musicians) and expressionism, emotions more for normal being I guess.
Shostakovich note on formalist script ion
Had to write folk music to counter this,
Expressionist absolutism
Structural rela excite feelings and emotions in a listener,
Connection between music and life,
Tension and release, motion vs rest, repetition vs diversity (change),
Probably explains certain forms use over others. Not the way life goes. Not as satisfying. Theme and variation,ternary, or sonata forms, dance forms,
Study music in. Schools, supported by expressionism idea
Music deepens you, learn about life through music,
How to measure emotion.
Behavioural responses, teears
Physiological responses: gsr electrical conductivity, heart rate blood pressure, emg (muscle tension)
Mood responses
Descriptions of music. Adj. subjective though.
(Slightly different ideas from performance anx)
So ppl do rpond differently to music, and not necessarily consistant.
Two basic types of music
Sedative: most ppl think classical is this.
Can be differentiated on a number of levels.
Tempo, complexity, volume predictability,
Outside of that very little agreement.
Kuru hansel exp.
Finger temp, breathing.
Literature is a mess. Physio data, outside of sedative and stimulative, no great concrete ideas.
Relates musical elements to adjectives, has long history from 1930”s
Adjective wheel.
Elemts of music like pitch level and tempo change greatly effected how music w described as well as key changes. Major minor. Timbre Chang aren’t that effective at changing emotions,
Invariant responses is nice.
Type of synesthesia: Chromesthesia
Stimulation I one sense modality affects sense in another. Music played see colors. Korsakov and Scriabin. Little consistancy Cross these people. Listening to music is tiresome for them.
Is music the language of emotions ?
Edison kinétoscope’
Pieces have multiple meanings depending who you are.
Monteverdi knew emotional codes, used devices to elicit mods, some data supuggests all music.
Rela to musical aesthetics.
Compared to Indian ragas joy sadness anger and peace, we’re able to distinguish them. complexity and tempo imp.
Arousal and pos neg valence.
can’t say no connection between emotion and music. Never one to one, more of an agreement than by chance. Composer and performer can both do things to convey things,
Pos neg = complex or easy.
Arousal level depends on tempo. I think. Oversimplification no doubt but that’s ok.
What we like. Preference, attitude taste.
The process.
But first distinctions
Preference (musical)
Behavioural, can be seen,
Attitude: internal, not expressed behaviourally. An opinion. Eg. I like classical music. Usually written.
Taste is value laden and a term seldom used now.
Does one predict the other?
No, fake it to make it idea I guess. Attitude behaviour mismatch.
Attitude imp. For educators.
What is good music (Art)
Relevance, connecting, emotion. Well-done
Contrasting views
Inherent aspects of musicL stim. With education conform to aesthetic ideal. No social aesthetic, formalism,
View music individual value and utilities rather than inherent qualities.
Relativism, any art has value within a particular culture for particular people.
Farnsworth: stagility of music historians preference test of time composers. Tabulated.
Remarkable stability. Back Beethoven , Mozart.
Look at textbook, composition pages dedicated to composers. German influence came in . Culture dependant. So some relativism in this stability on other level.
Work for all time, great work with status,
Is permanence sense of great work of art,
Research on music attitude and preference
3 types of studies, methodolgy, attidue, and preferential.
Attitude first:
Paper pen measures,
Interview based, mc q, paired comparison. Equal interval, likert scale. Semantic differential, ranked preferences.
Behavioural: Episodic rEinforcement device. Verbal responses while listening. Photographs. (More preferential though)
Look at records in house, CRDI, continuous response digital interface.
Multi stimuli, classical music S popular as white noise for young kids.
Semantic differential
Have opposite adj.
at ends. Music teachers fall right in middle. Dull of exciting.
CRDI continuous response
1993 first used.
La boheme, used to respond to piece.
Shows remarkable consistancy within themselves, so highly reliable.
What does research show. Variables called
Subject variables: not easily modifiable, sex, iq, personality. Musical aptitude, background,
Situational variables.
Another dichotomy,
Does IQ predict classical music listening
Not related.
Personality relate to musical preference,
Mmpi test. 500q 10 clinical scales, and validity scales. Faking bad.
Inconclusive results on attitude and personality, personality situationally specific. (Depends on self monitoring)
Pont onsitant in situation though,
Never the less. We find correlations. Introverts like serious classical music. Extroverts like socail jazz. Stable like classical period music. Neurotic like romantic. Closed negative to experimental music.
Personality of performers
Brass, heavy boozers, empty vessels, can’t play quietly. Extroverts. For trumpet. Humor. Stable.
Serous, neurotic touch,
Differentl of require
Screwing up. Accomp vs melody.
Sex typing of instruments persists.
Musical aptitude rela to music preference
Combition of ones innate ability genetics, plays general knowledge, from enviorminus what learn in classroom.
Aptitude, sea shure measure musical talents.
Classical people score higher usually. Serious classical score higher, many are culturally determined. Based on classical music,
Sex differ rents attidue a of music,
Data from 1950 big difference, girls want more classicL music, now that seems to have vanished.
Used to consider un masculine. Now not the case.
Age difference preference to music.
Confounded with education,
One big difference.
Children: rock music when does it change. 3rd 4th grade huge change. 2nd 3rd grade. Change to like rock. Gradually declines.
3% of ticket sales are for classical music. Wow
Ses rela to music
Usually 9 section three middle upper lower.
Higher ses greater for classical music like ing.
Older people higher ses