Week 9 lecture Flashcards
What is the adolescent brain especially sensitive to?
Rewards, especially social interactions and achievements
What are primary and secondary reinforcers?
Primary reinforcers: Directly satisfy a basic need (e.g., food, water).
Secondary reinforcers: Associated with primary needs (e.g., money, grades).
What behaviors do rewarding vs. aversive stimuli trigger?
Rewarding stimuli: Approach/appetitive behaviours.
Aversive stimuli: Avoidance behaviours.
What part of the brain is key to reward processing?
The Striatum (including the nucleus accumbens).
What is the function of the dorsal and ventral striatum?
Dorsal striatum: Learning.
Ventral striatum: Reward processing.
What is the role of the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA)?
Produces dopamine and projects it through reward pathways (mesocortical and mesolimbic).
What activates the mesolimbic dopamine system?
Novel and salient cues, and both rewarding and aversive events.
Which areas are part of the reward system and their functions?
Amygdala: Codes salience (importance).
Insula & OFC: Assigns a value to rewards.
ACC: Detects errors and conflicts.
mPFC: Processes self-related significance.
How does the dopamine system change during adolescence?
Increases in concentration, fiber density, and input to the prefrontal cortex (PFC).
What behavioural changes peak in adolescence?
Sensation-seeking and high responsiveness to rewards (ages 14-18).
What did the Galvan study examine?
How teens vs. adults rate different liquids (water, sugar water, salty water) as neutral, rewarding, or aversive.
What did the Galvan study find?
Teens rated sugar water as more rewarding and salt water as more aversive compared to adults.
Which brain area showed stronger responses in teens during the Galvan study?
The ventral striatum, particularly the caudate.
How is adolescent risk perception different from adults’?
Teens are more willing to take risks, often overestimating rewards despite low odds.
What happens to morbidity and mortality rates during adolescence?
They increase by 200%.
Most fit you will ever be
Most healthy you will ever be
However, more accidents, depression, suicide, STI and reckless behaviour
Why is adolescence paradoxical in terms of health and risk?
Adolescents are at peak fitness and health but show more accidents, depression, suicide, and reckless behaviors.
How does the dopamine system change in adolescence?
It becomes more responsive to both rewarding and negative stimuli, leading to heightened sensation seeking.
What is associated with riskier behavior in adolescents?
A heightened response in the striatum.
What is regulatory control?
Aligning thoughts and actions to goals by focusing attention and ignoring distractions.
What does the Dual Systems Model describe in adolescence?
A mismatch between a heightened reward system and a still-developing control system.
What role does working memory play in adolescent decision-making?
It helps keep relevant information active to support focus and inhibit impulsive actions.
What does future orientation involve?
Anticipating consequences, planning behavior, and balancing reward and punishment.
How does the prefrontal cortex (PFC) develop during adolescence?
White matter increases, and gray matter peaks around ages 10-12, with pruning continuing into adulthood.
What does the Go/No Go task measure, and how do adolescents perform on it?
It measures motor response inhibition, and adolescents typically make more mistakes than adults.
In the Iowa Gambling Task, which card decks are disadvantageous and which are advantageous?
Decks A and B are disadvantageous; C and D are advantageous.
How does vmPFC activation relate to decision-making performance in adults versus teens?
Adults show greater and more consistent vmPFC activation during decision-making tasks
Adolescents exhibit less consistent activation of the vmPFC, which reflects the ongoing development of this brain region