Week 9 - Early Rome Flashcards
The Romans
- italy
- in Latium
- Latin spoken here
- Rome is just an individual city
The Romans conquering
roman empire
- Rome conquers all of Italy and another empire
- next emperor gives up a lot of the provinces cause it was too much
- turkey, levant, africa, Britian, balkans, germany, france
- situated in Europe more
The City of Rome
seven hills
- core of Roman empire
- emperor lives in Rome
- population density in Rome
- made up of SEVEN HILLS
Palatine hill
home of the wealthy, emperos homes are there
Capitaline hill
main centre of religion
Roman History
753 Bce: Founding of Rome by Romulus
followed by the Monarchy (seven different kings, then the Republic which is when there is a senate and citizen voting
The Roman Imperial period: Augustus = Rome’s frist emperor
Early Roman Religion
- numina (spirits)
- e.g: Penates: gods of the store cupboard
- pax deorum: peace of the gods
- do ut des “i give so that you may give”
tip: the planets are all Roman except for Uranus and Earth
important ones
- Zeus = Jupitur
- Hera = Juno
- Poseidon = Neptune
- Hestia = Vesta (most imporant God in Rome)
- Ares = Mars Greek version = unrational side of war while Athena is the rational side of Rome
The Roman Empire
what actually is it????
- chronological definition (Imperial Rome)
- geographical definition (broader territory overtaken by Rome
Early Rome, according to the Romans
they believed they were Trojans
Aeneas: son of Anchises and Venus
Romulus and Remus are removed from the city and found by a she wolf and farmers: Sons of Rhea Silvia and Mars
Romulus as the first king of Rome
- 7 kings
- last king is viewed as a Tyrant so they overthrow him
- is any of this true? no
Early Rome: The Archaelogical Record
- some small bronze age finds
- EVIDENCE of nucleation in the 10th century
- mid 7th century: emergence of an elite, draining and paving of the forum
- first permanent houses in city centre
Culturual Influences in Iron Age Italy
- Greeks, Magna Greekia, Phonecians, Tunisia (Carthaginians), Etrustcans
The Entruscans
- native people of Tuscany
- Non-Romans
- Language: alphabet adapted from the Phoenicians/Greeks in 7th century
- Non-Indo-European
Etruscan Temples
- models for later Roman temples
- Differences from Greek Temples
- Temple at Veii, ca. 500 BCE
- columns only in centre
- only one way to enter the temple
- three different rooms
Evidence for the Kings?
Lapis Niger, Regia, shrine for Mars and Ops
literally just stuff that said rex on it
- Late 6th century BCE: Lapis Niger (black rock)
- Regia: ca. 625 BCE: Earliest identified structure, rebuilt with new floorplan
- During the republic: shrine for Mars and Ops Consiva (wealth) overseen by rex sacrorum (“king of sacred things”) and pontifex maximus (high priest).
The Roman Republican Government
- Consuls (2, elected anually, chief magistrate)
- senate (300 ppl, highest wealth class)
- people (centuriate assembly + others)
- SPQR = senatus populusque romanus
- magistrates (elected officials)
History of Roman Republic
- founded
- breakdown of norms
- Assasniation of Julius Caesar
- Conspirators vs. Triumvirs, then Triumvirs vs. each other
- defeat of marc antony by Octavian
- Octaian renamed Augustus
Civic centre of Rome: the roman forum
- a lot of it was buried
- ## cows would grave around in the roman forum
The Roman Forum Parts
basilicas: multipurpose buildings, like a stoa
temples: temple of concord, temple of vesta (goddess of fireplace/hearth), vestal virgins (group of women in charge of keeping the fire going)
curia (senate house)
rostra (speaker’s platform)
Early Roman Coins
Earliest Roman coinage in 300 BCE
* Denarius system is introduced ca. 211 BCE
* Gold: aureus
* Silver: denarius
* Copper and copper alloy: sestertius, dupondius, as
Republican Portaiture: Verism
- warts and all style
- origins in the 2nd century BCE
- why did people want to look like this?
- they valued old people
- look serious
- dont have to look pretty
Julius Caesar
Dictator for life
* Assassinated March 15, 44 BCE
* First living Roman to have their
portrait on coinage