Week 7 Flashcards
Classical Period
after the Archaic Period (480 BCE)
Fifth Century Greek History
- First Greco-Persian War (Darius)
- Greco-Persian War (Xerxes, son of Darius)
- between the wars: rise of the delian league/athenian Empire
- The Peloponnesian War
Delian Leauge/Athenian Empire
led by Athens, Greek communities band together in case of attack
turns into an Empire and now Athens runs it, people are not allowed to leave, people have to give Athens money
The Peloponnesian War
Athenian Empire vs Sparta
sparta wins
Fourth Century Greek History
power struggle between poleis, the reign of Philip II of Macedon and then the reign of Alexander the Great, son of Philip
The Severe Style (classical period)
- earliest classical period stylistic category
- much more realistic
- representation of motion
- empty eye sockets used to have stones in it (painted to look like eyes)
- struts: knobs on side of leg to hold seperate pieces in place (arms broke off)
Bronze Sculpture
- rise in Bronze at the end of the Archaic period
- survive in much fewer numbers than marble cuz ppl wanna melt it down
- survive from shipwrecks or other natural disasters
- easier to show motion
The High Classical Style
like nike by paionios
- Pheidias (sculptor for Zeus Temple)
- Contrapposto (weight on one leg)
- Nike by Paionios
- men nude and women clothed
- wet drappery look beings to get popular
Late Classical Sculpture
first ___ woman statue
Aphrodite of knidos
- more emotion, realism
- Gods shown in more human ways
- first female nude statue (Aphrodite of Knidos), caught entering the bath
- only now in “fourth rate” Roman copies, people thought Roman art was just a copy
Themistoklean Wall
wall built as defence
- made of marble and other solid materials
Kerameikos cemetery
- outside of the city
- decline in ostentatious grave markers
- increase in number of visible graves
- oligarchy –> democracy so people are identified easily but less displays of wealth
- funerary relief sculpture (stelai)
outside of Diplyon gate
Salvage Archaeology
excavate sites as quickly as possible so work can continue
- Keremeikos subway line project
- Syntagma station has artifacts
- mass grave found (plague??)
Pnyx (assembly)
- assembly of people (Athenian democracy, only adult men)
The Areopagus
- the hill of Ares
- seat of the council of the Areopagus
Classical agora
- lots of different functions
- area for gathering
- go shopping
- governmental buildings
- a temple
- mint: where coins are produced
- multifunctional buildings in the Greek world
- The Stoa of Attalos
- The Painted Stoa (lots of famous wall paintings), stoicism: philisophical school
History of the **Athenian Acropolis **
- Bronze age: earliest known use (fortresss)
- Archaic Period (becomes santuary)
- for the Goddess Athena
- Oath of Plataea (rememberance for what is happened, lots of things are buried)
- Rebuilt under Perikles
- Medival: fortified village
- 1833: Athens becomes capital of Greece
Plan of the Fifth Century Acropolis: Propylaia
- entry gate to the Acropolis
- Pinakotheke
- prual of the word gateway
- 5 ways you can enter from
- not symettrical
Acropolis: Temple of Athena Nike
- nike= victory
- pediments, east=gigantomachy west=amazonomachy
- Frieze: assembly of gods and Greeks vs. Persians
- Parapet frieze: Nike procession
Acropolis: Parthenon
temple with no religious worship
- Athena Parthenos = Athena the Maiden
- storage for tribute from “allies”
- biggest building
- no evidence of religious worship
- a large treasury
Statue of Athena Parthenos
- Pheidias built it
- Chryselaphantine (part ivory and gold)
- heavily decorated
The Parthenon
- mostly Doric (columns) with some Ionic (frieze) elements
- refinements
- lots of sculptures and decoration
Metopes in the Parthenon
what conflicts are showb
show four conflicts
- Amazonomachy
- Trojan War
- Gigantomachy
- Centauromachy
The Ionic Frieze in the Parthenon
- the Panathenaic Procession
- East: Peplos scene
- cavalary horse riders, central scene shows delivery of Peplos to Athena
The Pediments in the Parthenon
think ped poseidion
- carved fully in the round
- shows The birth of Athena and Athena v. Poseidon (she made olive tree)
Temple of Athena Polias in Acropolis
main place of worship
- erectheion
- old temple of Athena Polias was…
- built on slope
- irregular plan
The Erechtheion Religious Significance
- dedicated to Athena Polias
- Xoanon, peplos
- the Panathenaic Festival (religous celebration)
- King Erechtheus
- Olive tree of Athena
The Caryatids: Erechtheion
- women instead of columns
- built on top of Old Temple of Athena Polias