Week 3 - Mesopotamian Cities Flashcards
Uruk period (protoliterate period)
early version of literacy
uruk is a prominent city in the city at the time
Early Dynastic Period
identify dynasties of rulers through written sources
The Akkadian Era
conquers Sumeria
Neo-Sumerian Empire
resurgence of Sumerian culture / third dynasty of Uruk
who are the Sumerians?
ancient people from the region of Sumer / unclear origin with neighbours
southern mesopotamia
Languages in this region
Indo-European and Semitic
Akkadian is Semitic; Sumerian is an isolate (no known ancestors / languages)
theorized by linguists
logographic script
each word is a seperate character
syllabic script
each sylable is a seperate character
each sound is a separate character
Sumerian language
commonlu spoken until ca 19th century BCE
isolate language
Cuneiform Script
STARTED as logographic to record inventories
BECAME syllabic to record myths, ritual, history
Religion in the Sumerian Citieis
each city had its own patron diety, the city’s main temple was the center of religious, governmental, and economic activity
How did kings rule in Sumer
on behalf of the patron God
Sumerians did not believe that the king was ruling on his own behalf, he just carried out God’s wishes on Earth
The White Temple at Uruk
dedicated to the sky god, Anu
ritual at temple: walking around the whole exterior of the temple
Eanna Precint
dedicated to the fertility goddess
the study of images and symbols in works of art
understanding a cultures iconography helps us understand what they were trying to communicate
The Uruk Vase (will 100% be tested)
- meter tall
a vase used to store things
the bottom band represented the Euphrates river
next band shows animals/baskets/baskets of animals
variety of people (clothed, nude, people carrying objects, braided belt = missing person in broken section..could be the king)
nude men in next band, they are carrying objects that might be an offering to Gods
major interpretation is gifts being gives to goddess Eanna
gate posts of the temple in front of the goat in picture to the left (shows us the location)
style: very distinct, everyone is in profile, no attempt to illustrate real motion, everyone looks very still, very common style in this period, banded vase illustrations are also very common
vases like this are also represented in art (on the vases there are picture of vases)