week 9 & 10: diarrhea and constipation & intestinal obstructions Flashcards
constipation and diarrhea refer to the changes in the ______ of bowel movements
etiology: lack of exercise is a risk/contributing factor to ______
etiology: lack of fiber intake is a risk/contributing factor to _______
etiology: decreased peristalsis (movement through GI tract) is a risk/contributing factor to ______
slowed transport time means that stool stays in the intestines longer -> this can _______ stool (making it harder to pass)
dehydrate & harden
what is a complication of constipation?
fecal impaction
we will initiate constipation care plan if the patient has not had a bowel movement (BM) within______.
3 days
Diarrhea refers to an increased FREQUENCY of defecation. This is usually accompanied by an increase in _______ (loose stools).
water content
what does a herniation look like?
loop of bowel projects through weak spot in abdominal muscle and becomes stuck
what does intussusception look like?
telescoping of the intestines
what does torsion (aka volvulus) look like?
loop of bowel becomes twisted on itself
what does diverticulosis look like?
out-pouching of bowel
what does a tumor look like?
abnormal growth obstructs path of intestines
what is a paralytic iileus?
ileum that is paralyzed r/t nerve impairment (considered a medical emergency)
what are fibrous adhesions?
scar tissue formation can result from adhesions (scarring), chronic constipation, pregnancy
intestinal obstructions manifestations: bowel sounds will be ______ before the complete obstruction
intestinal obstructions manifestations: bowel sounds will be ______ after the complete obstruction (no contents)
intestinal obstruction: loops of bowel will be ______ and gas build-up are visible in x-ray
intestinal obstruction: _______ r/t/ abdominal distention, will be followed by vomiting
colicky pain
intestinal obstruction: functional________ = increased hematocrit, hypotension, tachycardia, shock (all result of decreased circulating blood volume)
intestinal obstruction complication: _______ r/t impaired absorption
intestinal obstruction complication: _______ r/t ischemia and impaired blood flow (strangled bowels)
intestinal obstruction complication: _____ r/t stress on the bowel wall