week 8: hematology 3 Flashcards
Make Normal Big Fries = ?
Vitamin B12
Folate (folic acid)
Micro Hulk, Iron man, Sid, Thanos = ?
Why does sickled RBCs cause problems?
Sickled RBCs are rigid, not able to maneuver through small vessels → vaso-occlusion, hypoxia, ischemia
Which type of anemia does this fall under? (sickle cell)
Normocytic Normochromic Anemia
How do we treat sickle cell anemia?
-Stem cell transplant
-Transfusions for severe anemia
-Hydroxyurea (stimulates production of fetal hemoglobin)
What is an acute exacerbation called? What are two specific sites we are concerned about?
*Painful vaso-occlusive crisis/sickle cell crisis
-Acute Chest Syndrome
-Splenic Sequestration
What is most important in managing sickle cell crisis? What other interventions might we perform?
-Pain control (historically undertreated)
-IV fluids if dehydrated
-Oxygen if hypoxic (SpO2 <92%)
What patient teaching can we provide to prevent acute crises?
-Avoid dehydration
-Avoid intense exercise and high altitude conditions.
what is blood cancer?
excess production of blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, and/or platelets) that does not serve a physiological purpose (fight infection/form clots/carry oxygen)
what are the three major categories of blood cancers?
what is leukemia?
cancer cells found circulating in the blood
what is lymphoma?
cancer that involves masses or tumors in lymph tissue
what is myeloma?
cancer involving tumor in bone marrow
myeloid cells vs lymphoid cells
myeloid cells
-Granulocytes (neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils)
lymphoid cells (both are immune WBCs)
-T cells
-B cells
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is found in which population? what does it affect? slow or fast progression?
-found in adult patients
-affects immature myeloid blast cells in the bone marrow
-fast progression
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is found in which population? what does it affect? slow or fast progression?
-found in elderly patients
-chronic excess production of platelets, RBCs, and granulocytes
-slow progression
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) is found in which population? what does it affect? is there a high cure rate? slow or fast progression?
-most common leukemia in children
-affects immature B cells and T cells in the bone marrow
-high cure rate and survival~90%
-fast progression
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is found in which population? what does it affect? slow or fast progression?
-found in elderly patients
-affects mature B cells and T cells
-slow progression
what type of precautions do blood cancer patients get placed on and why?
-neutropenic precautions (aka immunocompromised precautions or reverse isolation)
-because there is an increased risk of infection due to decreased number of WBCs
what are some of the precautions taken for blood cancer patients? examples?
-no fresh flowers
-neutropenic diet: no fresh fruits/vegetables, meats
-good hand hygiene
-wear PPE: gloves, gowns, masks
-limit exposure to visitors with respiratory infections
Myeloma: bone marrow cancer (manifests as CRAB) which stands for?
C = calcium elevation in the blood
R = renal failure
A = anemia
B = bone lesions and bone pain