Week 8 - Wound Healing Flashcards
How many years does it take for a scar to reach its steady state?
2 years
What % of final strength does a wound have at 3 weeks?
Only 20%
What are some factors that may delay wound healing?
- Infection
- Presence of foreign body
- Diabetes
- Anaemia
- Obesity
- Immobility
- Poor nutrition
- Zinc deficiency
- Age - slower healing in elderly patients
- Incontinence for sacral wounds
- Trauma, including artefact
What drugs can delay wound healing?
- Oral steroids
- Anticoagulants
- Retinoids
- Immunosuppressants
What is this and what bugs commonly cause it?

An infected wound
- Staph Aureus, Strep A/B orG
- Occasionally Pseudomonas
What wound is this?

A necrotic wound
What wound is this?

A Granulating Wound
- A red and well vascularised wound
- White/pink epithelial tissue coming in from the edges and in islands.
What wound is this?

A Sloughy Wound
- A yellow/cream exudates consisting of dead cells and protein.
- Appropriate dressings will help reduce excess exudate.
What is the difference between a keloid scar and an hypertrophic scar?
Keloids are thicker and extend beyond the edge of the wound.
What is the difference between primary and secondary intention healing?
- Primary intention - wound is sutured closed.
- Secondary intention - heals without closure.
Why do people get keloid scars?
- Genetic predisposition (family history)
- Environmental factors
- Tension on the scar site.
What are some risk factors for keloid scars?
- Young age (10-30 years)
- Familyhistory
- African-American skin (15-20x more prone)
What are some treatment options for keloid scars?
- Remove the keloid lesion- surgery & radiotherapy is the gold standard.
- Decrease symptoms and bulk.
- Steroid injections
- Triamcinolone 10mg/ml
- Review at 6 weeks to decide if more needed.
- Massage- 10 minutes per day.
- Steroid tape.
- Steroid injections
When investigating a leg ulcer, what should you do?
- Document the size, site etc.
- Doppler - if <0.8 means arterial disease.
- Swab for infection
- Consider XR or MRI scan if osteomyelitis suspeced.
What is the treatment for arterial leg ulcers?
- Stop smoking
- Exercise
- Consider vascular surgery
What is the treatment for venous leg ulcers?
Sustained graduated compression
What is the treatment for skin surrounding the wound?
- Emollients
- Topical corticosteroids if dermatitis
- Consider patch test if the dermatitis isn’t responding to patch tests.
Venous ulcers are the most common leg ulcers. What are some rarer causes?
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Physical trauma
- Radiation
- Vasculitis
- Infection -mycobacterial, syphilis, yaws, Buruli.
- Neuropathy
Malignancy - SCC or BCC
- Evolving ulcers can develop into SCC - Marjolin’s ulcers.
- Inflammatory -pyoderma gangrenosum, necrobiosis lipoidica.