Red & Spotty Face - Photosensitive Eruptions Flashcards
What 6 conditions are considered to be photosensitive eruptions?
- Acute lupus erythematosus
- Discoid lupus
- Dermatomyositis
- Drug-Induced Photosensitivity
- Photoallergic Reaction
- Acute Sunburn
What are the key areas on the body affected by photosensitive reactions?
Sun exposed areas.
Is SLE more common in males or females?
How does it present?
Facial redness which lasts a few hours or weeks after sun exposure.
The rash is a butterfly rash on malar erythema.
How can you tell the difference between SLE and Rosacea?
SLE usually involves the nose whilst Rosacea spares the nose.
What other cutaneous manifestations are related to SLE?
- Raynaud’s phenomenon
- Livedo Reticularis
- Panniculitis (Lupus Profundus)
- Bullous Lesions
- Vasculitic Purpura
- Telangiectasias
- Urticaria
Is Discoid Lupus (a.k.a. Chronic Cutaneous lupus) more common in males or females?
Note the atrophic lesions with scars

They present with characteristic lesions on the face, scalp, and ear.
(Rarely mucosal lesions aswell)

20% of patients with Discoid Lupus (DLE) end up being positive for what autoantibody?
Do people that have DLE (Discoid Lupus) go on to develop SLE?
DLE (Discoid Lupus) is a confusing nomenclature and will most likely have a change in terminology int he near future.
What rash on the eyes is associated with dermatomyositis?
Heliotrope rash on eyelids.

Dermatomyositis is associated with what manifestation on the fingers?
Gottron’s Papules

What plant is the heliotropic rash named after?
(For Extra Points - what does Heliotrope stand for?)
Heliotrope plant which is red/purple.
Heliotrope means “turn towards the sun”

If someone has dermatomyositis - one should always exclude cancer.
7-30% of cases of Dermatomyositis arise after cancer.
What are the common associated cancers?
Breast and Lung.
What drugs cause phototoxic reactions on the skin (RED FACE)?
- Tetracyclines - especially doxycycline
- Fluoroquinlolones
- Amiodarone
- Methotrexate
- Phenothiazines
- Sulfonamides
- Retinoids
What is the difference between a phototoxic reaction and a photoallergic reaction?
- Phototoxic reactions occur as a result of direct photochemical reaction occuring in the skin.
- Photoallergic reactions occur when UV converts the drug into a photoallergen which in turn triggers a cell-mediated hypersensitivity,.
What are the common drugs that cause photoallergic reactions?
- Thiazide diuretics
- Sulfonamide antibiotics
- Phenothiazines
- Tricyclic antidepressants
- Antimalarials
This man is feeling unwell in himself with fever and malaise.
What is this?
What causes it?

(Superficial infection whereas cellulitis is a deeper infection)
Cuased by Strep or Staph.
It differs from Contact Dermatitis because he is systemically unwell.