Week 8 - Lymphatics, Floor of Mouth & Salivary Glands Flashcards
What is the main blood supply to the lips ?
Superior and inferior labial arteries.
What are the superior and inferior labial arteries branches of ?
Facial artery.
What is the main sensory innervation to the lips ?
Upper lip - CNV2, by superior labial branch of infraorbital nerve.
Lower lip - CNV3, by inferior labial branch of mental nerve.
What is the main lymphatic drainage of the lips ?
Via submandibular lymph nodes.
What is the main blood supply to the cheeks ?
Buccal branches of maxillary artery.
What is the main sensory innervation to cheeks ?
Buccal branch of CNV3.
What is the main motor innervation to cheeks ?
Facial nerve (CNVII).
What are the three components of the floor of the oral cavity ?
Tongue, geniohyoid and mylohyoid (and raphe).
What is the mylohyoid raphe ?
Where two mylohyoid muscles meet in the midline.
What is the attachments for the mylohyoid ?
Lateral - mylohyoid line on medial surface of the mandible.
Medial - mylohyoid raphe.
Anterior - hyoid bone.
Where do submandibular glands sit in relation to mylohyoid ?
Mylohyoid has free posterior margin, submandibular gland wraps around this free edge.
What is the attachments for the geniohyoid ?
Inferior mental spines.
How are the anterior and posterior parts of the tongue separated ?
Terminal sulcus.
What papillae on the superior surface of the tongue do not have tastebuds ?
What papillae on the superior surface of the tongue are the largest and form V-shape anterior to the terminal sulcus ?
What can be seen either side of the frenulum on inferior surface of the tongue ?
Lingual vein.
Sublingual folds.
Sublingual caruncle.
Opening of sublingual ducts.
How are the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles separated in the midline ?
Sagittal septum.
What is the function of intrinsic muscles of the tongue ?
Change size and shape.
What is the function of extrinsic muscles of the tongue ?
Elevate, depress, retract and protrude the tongue.
Name the 4 intrinsic muscles of the tongue.
Superior longitudinal.
Inferior longitudinal.
Name the 4 extrinsic muscles of the tongue.
What is the specific function of the superior and inferior longitudinal muscles of the tongue ?
To make tongue short and thick.
To retract protruded tongue.
What is the specific function of the transverse and vertical muscles of the tongue ?
Make tongue long and narrow.
Protrude tongue.
What is the function of the genioglossus muscle ?
Protrude tongue.
What is the function of hyoglossus muscle ?
Depress sides of the tongue.
What is the function of styloglossus muscle ?
Elevate and retract tongue.
What is the function of palatoglossus muscle ?
Depress soft palate and lift posterior tongue.
What is the motor innervation of extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the tongue ?
Hypoglossal nerve (CNXII) with exception of palatoglossus - vagus nerve (CNX).
What is the general sensation of the anterior 2/3s of the tongue ?
Mandibular nerve branch of trigeminal nerve (CNV3).
What is the general sensation of the posterior 1/3 of the tongue ?
Glossopharyngeal nerve (CNIX).
What is the special sensation of the anterior 2/3s of the tongue (except vallate papillae) ?
Facial nerve via chorda tympani.
What is the special sensation of the posterior 1/3 of the tongue (including vallate papillae) ?
Lingual branch of glossopharyngeal nerve (CNIX).
What is the main blood supply to the tongue ?
Lingual artery (branch of ECA).
What is the main venous drainage of the tongue ?
Deep lingual and dorsal lingual veins (into IJV).
What is the purpose of the lymphatic system ?
Drainage of surplus tissue fluid and leaked plasma proteins.
What lymph duct drains the right upper limb, head and neck and thorax ?
Right lymphatic duct.
What lymph duct drains left upper limb, head and neck, thorax and lower limb ?
Thoracic duct.
What veins do the two main lymphatic ducts drain into ?
Right and left subclavian to brachiocephalic trunk.
What are the 5 groups of superficial lymph nodes in the head ?
Anterior auricular.
Posterior auricular.
Superficial parotid.
What are the 4 groups of superficial lymph nodes in the neck ?
External jugular.
Anterior jugular.
What are the 2 deep lymph nodes of the head ?
Retropharyngeal (in children) and deep parotid.
What are the 2 deep lymph nodes of the neck ?
Superior and inferior deep cervical.
What lymph node drains the palatine tonsils ?
Jugulodigastric lymph node.
What lymph nodes drains the tongue and floor of the mouth ?
Jugulo-omohyoid lymph node.
The jugulo-omohyoid lymph nodes communicate with the axillary lymph nodes, why is this significant ?
Swelling (painless, hard and immobile) jugulo-omohyoid lymph nodes can be indicative of breast cancer metastasis.