week 7 successive learning Flashcards
what is retrieval practice?
actively recalling info improves memory better than passive
spaced learning
spreading out learning leads to better retention compared to cramming
successive relearning
combining retrieval practice with spaced learning for mastery over multiple sessions
what does savings score suggest
measures efficiency in relearning; indicates forgotten memories are not ERASED but temporarily inaccessible
Roediger, Putnam & Smith (2011) benefits of testing
- retrieval aids later retention of the material tested
- identifies gaps in knowledge
- learn more from next learning episode through testing
- better mental organization of knowledge
- improves transfer of knowledge to new contexts
- testing facilitates retrieval of info not tested
- improves metacognitive monitoring
- prevents interference from prior info when learning info
- testing provides feedback to instructors
- frequent testing encourages students to study
must answer each question correctly, if not, corrective feedback is provided and question is answered again later in the same session
criterion level
number of times a given question needs to be answered correctly to hit mastery
trials to criterion
the number of attempts to answer a question to criterion level
dropout method
once question has been answered to criterion level, it is dropped from further study within the learning session
definition of savings score
amount of time or learning attempts ‘saved’ from having previous learned the items
- measure of how faster relearning Is compared to original learning process
equation for savings score
time/trials to mastery for first learning - time/trials to mastery for relearning/trials to mastery for first learning x100
what was the purpose of Rawson et al 2018 study
To examine how successive relearning impacts memory retention and whether repeated relearning sessions lead to better long-term performance.
what was the method of Rawson et al 2018 study
- Learners studied 48 Lithuanian-English word pairs (e.g., “žolė - grass”).
- in the initial learning phase: ptsp studied the word pairs once
- in relearning sessions: Participants were required to retrieve each word pair to a certain mastery level:
Criterion Level: Answer correctly 1 or 3 times during a session.
-Dropout method: Once a word pair was mastered, it was removed from further study in that session. - Corrective feedback was provided after errors.
- Four spaced relearning sessions were conducted, each one week apart.
-After the fourth relearning session, participants were tested three weeks later.
what were the results of Rawson et al 2018 study
- Participants retained 77% of the word pairs three weeks after the last session.
- Relearning became faster across sessions, showing that memories were not entirely lost but easier to access with successive relearning.
what is a cofounding variable into the study of successive learning