week 3 & 4 BTE/FTE Flashcards
what is the percentage of students who rely on re-reading as their study strategy
what is the percentage of students who rely on self-testing as their study strategy
definition of the backwards testing effect
testing improves later test performance by helping with memory retention
what is transfer appropriate processing
testing works best when study and test formats are similar
what is the retrieval effort hypothesis
harder retrieval practices lead to better memory
what is the mediator effectiveness hypothesis
testing helps connect related concepts, improving memory through semantic connections
what are some benefits of testing on mental health
reduce stress and anxiety
what is another name for backwards testing effect
testing effect or retrieval practice effect
Why do students quiz themselves according to Kornell and Bjork (2007)?
To check understanding (68%), because it’s effective (18%), or they find it more enjoyable (9%)
What did Roediger and Karpicke (2006) discover about testing vs. re-studying?
testing leads to better long-term memory retention, especially over longer intervals.
What were the results of McDaniel et al.’s (2007) classroom study?
Quizzing improved test scores more than just re-reading materials. short answer quizzes were more beneficial than multiple choice questions
in Karpicke et al 2009 survey amongst college students, what is the % of students that rated self-testing as their top strategy?
What materials did participants in roediger and karpicke 2006 study in the experiment during phase 1 (encoding)?
Two prose passages, one about “the sun” and the other about “sea otters.”
How was the study design structured in roediger and karpickes 2006 study?
Participants studied one passage twice (re-study condition).
Participants studied the other passage once and then took a free-recall test (testing condition).
No feedback was provided after the initial test
what was phase 2 (final test) in roediger and karpickes 2006 study?
ptsp completed final free recall tests for each passage, either 5 mins, 2 days or 1 week later
what is the best strategy to remember info for longer than 5 mins?
what does retrieval practice serve as?
desirable difficulty
what was the purpose of Agarwal et al. (2021) Study
To evaluate the effects of retrieval practice (e.g., quizzing) on learning outcomes in classrooms using a meta-analysis of 50 experiments.
what were findings of Agarwal et al 2021 study
94% of studies showed positive effects of retrieval practice on learning.
what was Kromann et al 2009 study
medical students completed a resuscitation course following stimulated cardiac arrest
what was the method of kromann et al 2009 study
Intervention Group: Received 3.5 hours of teaching/training plus 30 minutes of low-stakes testing.
Control Group: Received 3.5 hours of teaching/training plus 30 minutes of scenario practice (not tested).
Two weeks later, participants completed a practical test on managing a simulated unresponsive patient.
The forward testing effect demonstrates that interim testing can improve memory for ___ information, ___ corrective feedback is provided.
new, regardless of if
When Kornell and Bjork (2007) asked their participants why they quizzed themselves when they studied, what could the most common answer be summarised as?
to judge how well the material has been learnt
Many memory studies include a retention interval. What is a retention interval?
A period of time (interval) between the encoding and retrieval/test stages of a study.
During retrieval practice, one possibility is that participants think of not just the correct answer, but also related answers. Which theory of the backward testing effect makes this prediction?
mediator effectiveness hypothesis
What is proactive interference?
When memory for previously studied information interferes with the learning of new information
Which theory of the backward testing effect suggests that retrieval practice is beneficial for memory because the cognitive processes required to self-test are similar to those required in the final test?
Transfer-appropriate processing (TAP)
In studies of the backward testing effect, the test-delay interaction refers to the finding that _____?
relative to restudy, retrieval practice often impairs memory when tested after a short retention interval, but improves memory when tested after longer retention intervals.
what was smith et al 2016 findings from his study into memory and stress
stress significantly impaired recall but only for the restudy group
what is the fte
enhances learning of new material through prior testing aka test-potential new learning
what was the objective of Szpunar 2008 study
to examine how interim testing influences the learning and recall of new material
what is interim testing
taking a test between learning sessions
what was the procedure of szpunar et al 2008 study (exp. 3)
Participants studied five lists of words sequentially:
After studying Lists 1-4, participants either:
Took a test on the material,
Completed a math distractor task, or
Restudied the material.
List 5 was studied and then immediately tested across all groups.
what were the findings of szpunar et al 2008 study (exp. 3)?
Participants in the testing condition:
Showed improved learning and recall of List 5 compared to the other groups.
Had fewer intrusions (incorrectly recalling words from earlier lists), indicating less interference from previous material.
The improvement on List 5 recall was attributed to:
The forward testing effect: Testing facilitated better learning of new material.
Partial backward testing effect: Testing helped consolidate previous material.
how does interim test enhance learning of subsequent material
by reducing proactive interference
what does context change allow for
segregation of lists
what does context change prevent
build up of proactive interference from one list or another
what is the procedure of szpunar et al 2013 study?
Participants: Watched an online lecture split into 4 segments.
After the first 3 segments, participants were assigned to one of three groups:
Test Group: Took a short test on the material.
Restudy Group: Restudied the material.
Control Group: Did an unrelated (math) activity.
All groups were tested after the 4th segment.
ptsp were asked whether they’re mind-wandering once in each segment, experimenters looked at students notes from the video
what were the findings of szpunar et al 2013 study?
interim testing benefits: improved learning and recall of the 4th segment, reduced mind-wandering during the lecture, increased note-taking
summarise jing et al 2016 study into quality mind-wandering
- undergraduates watched 40 min lecture with interim testing or restudy
-ptsp asked “what are you thinking about” periodically during the lecture - mind wandering rates did NOT significantly differ between the 2 groups
- BUT interim testing group did report more mind-wandering that was RELATED to the lecture than the restudy group
summarise yang et al 2019
- ptsp studied either face-name or Swahili-english pairs list1-3
- all ptsp Studied face-name pairs list 4
- interim testing improved final list 4 recall even when list 1-3 and 4 material type different
- the forward testing effect is transferable to different stimulus