Week 7 Grazing Management 2 Flashcards
Assessment of herbage mass (4)
- Visual estimation
- Rising plate meter
- Cuts
- Sward stick/ wellington boot
Slide 10 + 11 Advantages and Disadvantages of all different Grass measurement technology
What do you take grass cuts with?
Quadrat and Shears
Estimate of grass available on each
paddock using shears/ quadrant - steps:(5)
1* Based on visual assessment during a farm walk.
2* Measured yield compared to pre-estimated yield
3* 0.25 m2 quadrat is cut to 4 cm
4* The herbage is weighed and the yield is then
calculated, knowing the DM content.
5* DM content (DM guide or microwave)
What is the Equipment required for pasture estimation? (5)
1* Grass shears
2* Hand scales: Salter Spring Balance S/S (1 kg x 5g)
may be sourced from AGB Scientific/ Grasstec
3* Quadrat: (0.25m2) quadrat can be made by
welding 0.5m iron 2 segments together
4* DM content: Estimate or actual
5* Microwave
= 50g of grass dried
to a constant
How is the yield/ha calculated?
- Yield (kg DM/ha) =
Fresh wgt (g) x DM % x 0.4 - Example
Size of quadrat = 0.25 m2
Weight of grass in quadrat = 200g
DM content of grass =15%
Yield (kg DM/ha) =
200 * 15 * 0.4 = 1,200 kg DM/ha
Estimating grass DM %
1- Continous rain:
2- Mixed sunshine and rain showers/second rotation
3- First rotation in spring/drier weather
4- Over a week of continuous sunshine and high temperatures
5-Drought conditions
1- 12-15
2- 14-17
3- 18-19
4- 20-21
5- 22-23
What is farm cover?
Farm grass cover is the total supply of
available grass (>3.5-4 cm) on all paddocks for
Farm cover = sum total cover* (kg DM)/
Area available for grazing (ha)
*Total cover = Paddock DM yield (kg DM/ha) X
Paddock area (ha)
Target pre-grazing yield kg DM formula=
stocking rate (cows/ha) *
allowance (kg DM/cow/day) * rotation length (days) + residual
Example Pre-grazing yield =
3.27 (SR) * 18 (allowance) * 21 (days) + 100 (residual)
= 1336 kg DM/ha
What is Post-grazing sward height (PGSH)?
PGSH is the average height (cm) to which a
paddock is grazed when the cows have
finished grazing.
- Include both dung pads and non-dung pad
What is Post-grazing sward height (PGSH) used as an indication of?
– residual grass yield
– pasture quality**
– Allocation/ day
– Utilisation
Range of PGSH severity scores for PRG
Good grazing
Slightly undergrazed
Grossly undergrazed
Whats the grazing scores and grazing height of these?
Overgrazed - 1 , <3.5cm
Good grazing- 2, 3.5-4.5cm
Slightly undergrazed- 3, 5-6cm
Undergrazed- 4, 6.5-7.5cm
Grossly undergrazed- 5, >7.5cm
Relationship between PGSH and
Slide 28
100kg of fresh grass:
1- how much dry material?
2- How much water?
1- 17kg of dry material
2- 83kg of water
Nutritive Value of Grazed Grass:
1- Energy UFL/kg DM
2- Protein %
3- NDF %
1- 0.85-1.05
2- 16-28
3- 35-50