Week 6.2 Flashcards
Example of ethnocentrism research
Autocratic, authoritative parenting styles - is it the same across cultures
Example of ETIC versus EMIC cultural universals
Need to eat, need to breathe, need to sleep (ETIC requirements)
Different in each culture e.g. what type of food I eat, what utensils I est - EMIC
Is psychology ETIC or EMIC
Psychology only studies a particular culture, our psychology is EMIC for this culture
Intellectual imperialsm
Intellectual imperialism - then say it is for all cultures and imposing our EMIC values across all cultures (domination of one kind of thinking)
Theories in psychology (4)
- History of psychology theory development in [Western] psychology
- Universal explanation of behaviour = aim of theories
- All these theories were developed within one culture [EMIC approach]
- All tests associated with these theories were validated within that culture [EMIC research] – eg DSM-5; WISC-5; WAIS-4
Example of ‘universal’ theories created in EMIC culture (3)
Examples include
- Freudian psychodynamic theory
- Piagetian cognitive developmental theory
- Bandura’s social learning theory
Issues with this
- However, once validated in own culture, vast majority of researchers assume it is a valid test of that concept [a universal trait]
- Given this assumption, researchers complete cross-cultural comparisons
- If a cross cultural study [ETIC approach] shows differences, then one culture must be superior, and the other inferior
- [for instance, Arthur Jensen in 1969 published his research determining racial differences in IQ and concluded these were inherited differences
- However, if the concept is not universal, then it leads to discrimination
Identification as Indigenous
While indigenous people indicate self-identification as an aboriginal is a personal decision, government agencies use more objective criteria.
Government criteria for being Indigenous
- Being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent
- Self-identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person
- Being accepted as such by the community in which they live, or formally lived
As well as:
- Being of at least quarter caste [at least one grandparent is indigenous]
- This criterion was developed by the English and tried to quantify aboriginality
- This measure is offensive to indigenous people who focus on any heritage, self-identification and community acceptance
What percentage of Australians identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
Is the current indigenous population more or less than pre-colonialization?
It is less – estimated to be 800,000 [1780] and at last census it was ~650,000
Fronteir war
Many indigenous people want conflict between colonialists and indigenous people to be classified as a “Frontier war”. How many people do you think would need to die for this to be considered a “war”
As a bench mark - the loss of Australians in other conflicts [Official war memorial figures]
Boer war - 588 World War 1 - 61,566 World War 2 - 39,653 Korean war - 340 Vietnam war - 521 Afghan war - 43 Iraq war - 2
Indigenous population at beginning of colonisation 1788
At the beginning of colonisation = 750,000 inhabitants, mainly in what is now known as NSW and Victoria
Indigenous population in 1850s
Below 200,000 - mainly due to infectious diseases, but also includes malnutrition [forced off fertile land] and massacres [~20,000 murdered]