Week 4.3 Flashcards
Define Right to Withdraw from an investigation
Participants should be able to leave a study at any time if they feel uncomfortable. They should also be allowed to withdraw their data.
They should be told at the start of the study that they have the right to withdraw. They should not have pressure placed upon them to continue if they do not want to.
Potential issue with right to withdraw
But if wait to click button, may not be able to get rid of data - e.g. data anonymous
What is the purpose of a code of professional practice? (3)
Purpose of a code of professional practice is:
- Articulates and promotes ethical principles
- Sets specific standards to guide psychologists and public
- Clarifies the expectations of what is considered ethical professional conduct by psychologists
What principles does code of professional practice have?
Has three general principles:
A: Respect for the rights and dignity of people and peoples
B: Propriety
C: Integrity
Power and psychologists
Power - when see psychologist, are in a vulnerable position which puts psychologist in powerful situation
Psychologist needs to be…
Needs to be a protected title - training and scrutinized at higher level
Potential issues with confidentiality
Mandatory reporting
Psychology in Australia professional code of ethics
Australian Psychological Society guidelines
General Principle A: Respect for the rights and dignity of people and peoples
Psychologists regard people as intrinsically valuable and respect their rights, including the right to autonomy and justice. Psychologists engage in conduct which promotes equity and the protection of people’s human rights, legal rights, and moral rights. They respect the dignity of all people and peoples.
General principle A involves… (7)
Ethical standards on:
- Justice
- Respect
- Informed consent
- Privacy
- Confidentiality
- Release of information to clients
- Collection of client information from associated parties
Main ideas from general principle A
Everybody’s valuable, need to be protected, rights/dignity need to be protected, need to be independent person
Shouldn’t be discriminated against - equity
General Principle B: Propriety
Psychologists ensure that they are competent to deliver the psychological services they provide. They provide psychological services to benefit, and not to harm. Psychologists seek to protect the interests of the people and peoples with whom they work. The welfare of clients and the public, and the standing of the profession, take precedence over a psychologist’s self-interest.
General Principle B: Propriety involves… (12)
Ethical standards on:
- Competence
- Record keeping
- Professional responsibility
- Third party requests for services
- Multiple clients
- Delegation
- Use of interpreters
- Collaborating with others
- Accepting clients of other professionals
- Suspension of services
- Conflicting demands
- Psychological assessments; Research
Main ideas of General Principle B: Propriety
How do job - make sure principle A carried out, benefit not to harm, no experimental strategies, published and accepted
Who is the client - who can I report to; their guardian, client football coach - I may be reporting what they say
General Principle C: Integrity
Psychologists recognise that their knowledge of the discipline of psychology, their professional standing, and the information they gather place them in a position of power and trust. They exercise their power appropriately and honour this position of trust. Psychologists keep faith with the nature and intentions of their professional relationships. Psychologists act with probity and honesty in their conduct