week 6- summary paper Flashcards
What are the four main stages of NPD
1- Opportunity identification 2- Development 3- Optimization 4- Launch

What is the three sub-stages within the opportunity identification?
1- Understanding consumer needs methods 2-Creativity enhancement techniques 3- Screening techniques
Can you place : focus group, free elicitation, laddering, category appraisal, empathic design and zaltman metaphor elicitation technique on the two dimension matrix created by Elen vanKleef ?

Focus group is a ___ driven method
Free elicitation is a ___ driven method
Category appraisal is a ___ driven method
product driven
Laddering is a ___ driven method
Empathic design (consumer observations) is a ___ driven method
ZMET is a ___ driven method
What are the disadvantages of need driven consumer research methods ?
They can be really abstract and so will require extra steps to convert the needs into physical product designs.
What is actionability ?
actionability refers to the ability of information to indicate specific actions to be taken in order to achieve the desired objective.
what are the two dimensions proposed by Ellen vanKleff
- Actionability (purpose)
- Degree of newness
What are the 4 trends in the market now
- Health and wellness
- Taste and variety
- Convenience
- Value for money
Complete : Health is incorporated in products by :
- Avoiding negative health consequences
- Incorporating postive health consequences
- Having products that are inherently healthy
This list :
Extra vitamins and minerals (fortified)
Extra fibre
would be following the health trend by _____
incorporating positive health consequences
Lays low fat are following the health trend by ___
avoiding negative health consequences
What are the reasons for having NPD
Changing consumer needs
To take into account new scientific development
To address societal issues
For new legislations
What are Focus groups ?
It is a group discussion technique in qualitative research to nderstand the motivation of consumers. It is a discussion guided by a moderator on some predetermined set of topics to know the opinion and views of the participants.
What is category appraisal ?
It is a technique used to know how is the product perceived in comparision with the competitor’s product. It is also called compositional perceptual mapping. It is done for smalll incremental degree of newness of products and for technical purposes
What is laddering ?
Laddering is a personal interviewing technique used to understand consumers’ knowledge structure regarding a particular product (category). A means-end chain is a knowledge structure that links a consumer’s knowledge about product attributes with their knowledge about consequences and values.
What is empathic design ?
Also called consumer observation in which you observe the consumer using the product in his/her own environment. It is a qulitative consumer research done in order to know the motivation of consumers. It is need-driven method and usually done for high degree of newness of product and for marketing purpose.
What is ZMET ?
It is a qualitative research method that is motivation based. It is in the hybrid of disguised and non-disguised in which you ask the particpants in advance to bring pictures of a specific topic and then you discuss this topic with them. It is is done for high degree of newness of product and for marketing purpose. It is a need-driven method
What is free elicitation technique
What are need-driven stimuli ?
Consumers’ needs and problems are cues to start off elicitation of needs
What is the opportunity identification stage ?
Initial stage in NPD process where ideas for new products are generated and screened
Brainstorming and templates are used in the ____ sub-stage of ____ stage
Creativity enhancement substage of the opportunity identification stage

What is idea scoring method
it is a screening technique used in the opportunity identifications stage
What is the planning tool that we saw
house of quality (QFD)
For incemental food product, you should use a __ driven method
for really new food product development, you should used ___ driven methods
On the left-hand side of the matrix by elen vanKleef, you can find ___ driven method
On the right-hand side of the matrix by elen vanKleef, you can find ___ driven method
What are the down-side and up-side of methods on the left of the mattrix ?

they will guess rhe consumer needs withing existing framework of what is already avaialble on the arker and so they are restricted Hence, the advantage of these methods lies in their capacity to capture current needs and desires and optimise existing products accordingly.
what is the taste and variety trend ?
Trend based on new flavors, more sophisticated flavours like gourmet and more texture.