Week 3 - Type of survey methods Flashcards
What is a survey?
Collection of data from a large group of people using a standardized format.
What are the three steps involved in survey design?
1- Choosing the survey method (how to interact with the respondents)
2- Choosing the sampling procedure (how to select respondents)
3- Developing the questionnaire
T or F : ranking are good to use in surveys to know the importance for consumers (example rank in order from 1-5 the emotions you feel when eating chocolate).
false, it is not relevant, ratings should be used instead of rankings.
What are latent needs?
needs that the consumers have but they are unaware that they have them (example mobile phone).
What is a target market?
targeted homogeneous group of consumers that look for similar benefits in a product. I
What does this definition refers to : a targeted perceptual position, as seen by the selected group of consumers
Target market
What is the core benefit proposition?
is that proposition put forward by a company which talks about the main and the most important benefit that a consumer would derive from consuming that product.
What term are we refering to with this definition : Structured questionnaire given to a sample from a population and designed to elicit specific
information from respondents
Why did we perform a consumer research for CropTopQuality packers
to determine wether our concept actually was perceived by the consumers the way we wanted it to be
What are the type of survey methods seen in class
1- face to face
2- online
3- telephone
4- mail
What is the advantage of the mail survey?
draw attention to the importance of the questionnaire
What is the value of face-to-face interview
can be good for seniors because it is not using computers
What are the advantages of telephone surveys
computer assisted
can random digit dial the numbers
What are the advantages of the online surveys
Easy to distribute questionnaire
Can be distributed to many
What are the disadvantages of the online surveys
Low response rates (rewarding and engaging
respondents helps)
What is reliability ?
means that it can be reproduced but doesn’t mean it is valid.
What is validity ?
a valid result is accurate because you are measuring what you intent to measure and it is usually reliable because you can reproduce it.
What are the three factor used to help choose the best survey method
1- context of survey
2- respondent
3- task
What are the advantages of self-administered surveys (4)
-Low cost per survey
-Respondents can decide themselves when to complete
-No interviewer bias
What are the disadvantages of self-administered surveys (4)
- No probing when things get interesting
- Response rates low
- Potential response errors
- People are less motivated to participate nowadays
What are the three different type of survey design we saw in relation with time
1 - cross sectional
2- longitudinal
3- panel data
What are cross-sectional surveys?
the same sample is question at one point in time
What are longitudinal survey designs
same questions is asked two or more points in time
What are panel data?
same sample same questions is asked two or more points in time
What is a composite measure
A composite measure is a combination of two or more individual measures in a single measure that results in a single score. For example measure of self-control and smoking at 15
What are the sampling methods seen in class ?
- 4.
What is a sample ?
selection of observation units, drawn from a larger population units
What are the advantages of sampling ?
● Allows quick decisions
● More time can be spent
● on acquisition of hard-to-get respondents
● on each interview (person and telephone)
● Easier to exercise quality control
● Easier to manage the whole process
What are the things to choose when sampling
1 - target population
2- select the sampling procedure
3- the sampling frame
4- the sampling size
How can you identify the target population?
● Implied by research objectives (why?) and research
questions (what?)
● Not only specify who is included, but also who is
● Specify the unit (individual consumers, households,
What is probability sampling ?
Each member of the population has a known, non-zero probability to be selected
What is non-probability sampling?
Members of the population have unknown selection probabilities, some of which may be zero
What are the probability sampling methods seen in class
1- simple random sampling
2- systematic sampling
3- stratified sampling
4- cluster sampling
What are the non-probability sampling seen in class ?
1- convenience sampling
2- quota sampling
3- judgmental sampling
4- snowball sampling
True of false : probability sampling is the statistic ideal
true but it is not what we see in research
What is simple random sampling ?
It is a probability sampling in which everyone in the target group has the probability of being chosen.
What is systematic sampling ?
It is a probability sampling in which you select the Nth name from a list of the sampling frame (can be a list of the members of the target population).
What is stratified sampling ?
It is a probability sampling in which in the target population you choose 50% men and 50% women for example has your sample.
What is cluster sampling ?
It is a probability sampling in which you random the place where you would do the survey for example random schools in a list of schools.
What is convenience sampling ?
It is a non-probability sampling procedure in which you send to the people (example friends, family) that are accessible to answer your survey.
What is quota sampling ?
It is a non-probability sampling procedure in which you do a convinience sampling (sending to people that are easy access) but with a minimum proportions specified for some groups based often based on demographic, for example 50% men and 50% women.
What is judgmental sampling ?
It is a non-probability sampling procedure in which the “expert” will use their judgement to identify the sample. For example wanting to have only foodies in your survey.
What is snowball sampling ?
It is a non-probability sampling procedure in which you ask the people of the target population after they answered the survey to send it to people they also identify being part of the target population.
What would be the sampling procedure of sending a survey to your friends and family ?
convinience is what is used in reality because it is quick and inexpensive.
What would be the best sampling procedure if you want to reach a target population neuro-surgeons that also play instrument
this would be the snow-ball method because it is a really small and specialized population so you ask the people that answered your survey to forward to their network of pediatric neuro-surgeons.