Week 1 - Food quality and Food choices (children and gender) Flashcards
Name a few differences of women in food choices ?
- Women like smaller portions
- Women more interested in health
- Women count calories
- Women more concerned about their weights
- Women more suspicious of new tech in food
- Women chose depending on their family (main provider of the house)
Name a few differences of men and food choices ?
- lower levels of concern about health aspects of food
- less knowledge about health
- men choose more carbs and protein rich foods for muscle mass and appearance
T or F : the gap of food choice regarding healthy choices is reduced by education level
What is the difference of women’s food choice between the social context of being at home or being in a restaurant?
The mother puts the needs of the family up front but at the restaurant they eat more meat and more inclined in taking a dessert than man.
T or F : men are more likely to take the dessert and women the starter when eating out
false, it is the opposite.
T or F : There is gender difference in the number of meals/day
What are the food preference of men regarding the texture, taste and color
Strong and rich taste
High colour intensity
Chewier texture
What are the food preference of women regarding the texture, taste and color
Light foods
Foods associated with healthiness
_____ can explain 30±40% of variance in food choices between genders
Health attitudes
What are the sensory consideration for women when selling meat
1- less blood visible
2- less fat visible
3- less handling (pre-cut better)
What are the sensory consideration for men when selling meat
1- bigger portions
2- bigger size of the cut
What are the 5 propositions around the perception quality proposed by Grunert ?
1-Based on inferences 2-Based on values and attributes 3-Based on expectations 4-Food quality perception changes overt time 5- Food quality is actionable
Food quality is ___ and ____
objective and subjective.
What is the objective part of quality
the physical things that can be measured like the characteristics of the food like texture for example
What is the subjective part of quality
The things that are perceived by consumers. It involves aspects that are not tangible.
Define the proposition based on inferences
This is specially true in the case of trying new products. IT is the idea that the consumer will have a general idea of the product based on the visual cues (brand, logo, packaging form, content etc). For example they might be looking at the viscosity of a cleaner for cleaning power.
What are some examples of inferences?
- Organic as indicator of superior taste
- color and fat content of meat as inficcator of tenderness
- Animal welfare as indicator of health
What is the proposition that is based on values
it is the proposition that food choices will reflect the philosophy of life of someone and so the quality is based on the life values and attributes of the food.
What is the Means-end-theory
A theory stating that people are not interested in the product per se but in what the product is doing for them. It explains why some dimensions of quality become attractive to consumer and not to the others.
What is the expression of life-style proposition to explain food quality perception
We all have different food related lifestyle, these are categories/type of consumer that based on that we will perceive the quality. There is the uninvolved food consumer, careless consumer, conservative consumer, rational consumer and the adventurous consumer.
What is the “quality perception changes over time” proposition
it is the proposition that the consumer is making expectation for one time purchase that needs ot be met or else the consumer will not buy again. The qualirt can change for repeated purchase because you learn how to use the product in other situations.
What is the proposition that perceived quality is actionable
That quality can be changed by the companies depending based on three factors :
1- marketing positioning to show the quality and showing right cues
2- inherent quality to confirm the expectations of the consumers
3- being better than competitors (competitive differential).
T or F : Children express the food choice by expressing preferences or liking instead of food choice.
true because they parents buy the food.
Preference is defined as ____
the choice of one food over another one.
Liking is the ____
affective response to a food.
In infancy, among the factors that influence the food intake, the ____ are the most important.
physiological factors
T or F : For instance, children are more influenced by sensory perceptions than adults.
In the case of taste preference, neonates show an inborn preference for sweet taste and rejection of ___
bitter taste.
____ directly affects taste perception and preference in children
How can the food acceptance be modulated in children
- last trimester of pregnancy
2. Milk feeding phase
T or F : Earlier introduction to solid foods leads to fewer food rejections.
T or F: direct experiences with foods during the first months of life are likely influence children’s preference.
When is the neophobic phase of children?
2-8 years : . Food neophobia is strongest at the age of 2 years and levels of after the age of 8-9 years
T or F: Changes in food preferences are likely to be observed. Adolescents taste foods that were previously dislike because of social influence and personal decisions to taste these foods.
What is the take home message when targetting children as the consumers?
- Introduce flavours before neophobic phase people buy again when they are adults
- targeting kids means targeting the parents
Beyond the physiological factors, food preferences and liking are mostly acquired with
What are the mechanisms that will influence the preference in children?
- repeated positive exposure
- consuming safe foods
- The association of a flavour to the physiological consequences. Higher calories more liked
- Social learning : When children see friends that eat something they might are more inclined (modelling) or if positive experience around food (positive conditioning).
- Flavour-flavour association : kids might associate two taste like bitter and neutral and then won’t like the neutral taste.
What does food choices depends on ? (5)
- physiological influences
- Age (stages of food liking)
- Preference depending on some mechanisms
- Parental and other social influences
- Extrinsic influences
What are the three pathways under which parents influence their children food choice?
- Selective food exposure (example choosing the food to give the child)
- Modelling (child will imitate the parent’s food consumption)
- Condition mechanisms (sweet are conditioned positively because always in celebration context).
What are the other extrinsic factors influence children food choices?
- Psychological influences like the attitude toward diteting and the value of food (symbol).
- External information like the information on the package or publicity and advertisement