Week 6 & 7 (Herodotus & the Greco-Persian Wars) Flashcards
When did Peisistratus become tyrant of Athens?
560 BC
How did he become tyrant the first time?
He pretended to be attacked, so he got a bodyguard which helped him seize the Acropolis
When did Peisistratus become tyrant a second time, and how?
555 BC, with the help of Megacles and a false Athena
When did Peisistratus become tyrant a 3rd time?
546 BC
Peisistratus achievements during 3rd reign
1) Encourage production (olive oil, black and red figure pottery)
2) issue owl coins
3) friend of the demos (the people) and patron of the arts; temple of Athena Polias, Dionysiac festivals, start construction of temple of Zeus
Who took over after Peisistratus died in 527 BC
His sons, Hippias and Hipparchus
Who killed Hipparchus?
Harmodius and his lover Aristogeiton
Who helped drive out Hippias in 510 BC, and would establish democracy in 508 BC?
Cleisthenes, head of the Alkmeonid family
How did Cleisthenes gain support from the Spartans to drive out Hippias?
Funded a new temple of Apollo
How was demokratia organized at first in Athens?
Ten tribes, 50 men chosen by lot for the boule.
The prytany (tribe representatives) would lead the government for 1/10th of the year
Herodotus lived c. ___ BC - 420s. Mix of eyewitness testimony, written sources, rumors, myths, doesn’t tend to ____ sources.
King _____ became the first governor of Persia, liberating the Persians from Mende rule (c.550s - 546 BC)
His son, “_____” Cambyses (530-522 BC) conquered _____.
Darius I (522-486 BC) reorganizes the Persian Empire: moves the capital to Persepolis, facilitate trade in the ______ Ocean & Persian Gulf, issues silver and gold coinage (Great King Image), division of 20 satrapies (provinces)
“Crazy”, Egypt
Herodotus breaks up Egyptian time periods between ________ (centralized governance) and ____________ (decentralized). Herodotus’ time correlated with the ____ period of Egypt.
- He emphasizes they are the most _________ or pious.
- Herodotus links the Egyptian gods to the Greek gods, believing that the names of the Greek gods came from Egypt (example of __________)
- Gets some details wrong: Egyptians not eating ______ (they did), Egyptians having ___ scripts (they had three).
kingdoms and intermediate
Herodotus views the Macedonians as ethnically and culturally related, but organized as politically ___________ tribes led by kings and elite companions (hetairoi)
-Most influential tribe was the Temenids/Argeads
-Notes the trade ties with the Mycenaeans, and Greek colonies beginning in the late _th cent.
-Believes they’re of Greek descent: the three brothers from _____.
Herodotus views Cyrus ______ at first, as the great liberator of Persia against Mende oppression.
The downfall of the Persians, in his view, was _________.
He notes their monotheistic god without human form, regular sacrifices, and praises their justice system.
Herodotus Macedonia views Continued
- The story of the three brothers from Argos provided a basis for Alexander I’s participation in the _______ games, which only claimed those of Greek descent.
-Alongside Alexander I, Perdiccas II, and Archelaos expanded political and military control over upper Macedonia, & strengthen cultural ties with Greeks (ex. Archelaos patronage of playwrights such as Euripides)
Herodotus views on Thracians (modern day Bulgaria)
- same system as Macedonia (head honchos supported by aristocrats)
- could be stronger if they were more _______.
- most honorable way of living is through ___