Week 14 (Alexander the Great) Flashcards
Alexander III
- Elected king by Macedonian Assembly (more oligarchic, aristocratic compared to Athens) in ___ BC
- Educated by _________; big fan of _____ culture
- Distinguished military leader by age 20
- Youthful, strong portrait with full head of hair with anastole (hairstyle)
Aristotle, Greek
Alexander’s Challenges Upon Becoming King
- Reaffirming the League of _______
- Campaigns against Illyrians and Thracians in Spring of ___ BC
- Rumor that Alexander died, southern Greeks _____, led by ______ (Alexander destroys them)
- Alexander’s _______, Olympias, helped oversee the execution of possible challengers to the throne in the family
rebel, Thebes
The Battle of Granicus River (Spring ___ BC)
- Alexander leads an army of 37,000 to ______ the Persian empire (12,000 infantry, 3,000 royal guards, 1,800 cavalry units)
- Illyrian and Thracian infantry, some cavalry; 9,000 Greek infantry and cavalry; fleet of 200 Greek ships
- Antipater, _______ of Alexander, left in charge of Macedon + southern Greece
- stops at ____ first, hero-worship of Achilles
- Macedonian victory, Alexander sends 300 suits of Persian armor back to ______; allows Alexander to seize all Persian provinces in Western Asia Minor
Following the Battle at Granicus River
- Captured Ionian tyrants extradited to League of _______ for trial (propaganda play)
- Alexander installs Macedonian _________ and _________; renewed tribute in conquered tributes (trusting local elites for maintaining his administration)
governors and garrisons
Battle of Issos (___ BC)
- Alexander meets Darius III in battle in the Southern Anatolia
- Macedonian victory, Alexander and his cavalry chase Darius from the battlefield
- Darius’ family is _________, takes the royal _________ at Damascus soon after
- Darius tries to negotiate peace, but Alexander _______ the offer
- Mosaic from _______ (c. 1 cent BC) depicting Alexander during the battle
captured, treasury
Conquest of _____ (332-331 BC)
- Alexander moves south to secure Levant and _____
- Phoenician Tyre and Gaza resist, meet the same fate as ______
- Alexander celebrates his conquest with Greek-style ________ games and sacrifices to Zeus at Memphis (old capital), but also worships Egyptian deities in Egyptian way.
- Travels to the ______ of Zeus-Ammon at Siwah (Beg. of Alexander’s belief in own ________)
Oracle, divinity
- April 331 BC: Alexander founds __________ in Nile Delta
- __________ of Alexandria on island of Pharos (one of the seven ancient wonders of the world)
- Alexander was ________ of Egyptians and their local practices; however, after his death ethnic Egyptians become _______ class citizens behind Greeks and Macedonians
tolerant, second
Battle of Gaugamela (___ BC)
- Darius makes another peace offer, but Alexander _______
- Unlike Battle of Issos, battle is fought over open plain, including war chariots and elephants
- Macedonian victory, Alexander gains control of central Persian Empire and its capitals (_______, Sousa, Pasargadae, Persepolis); Alexander _____ down Persepolis (city founded by ______ _)
burns, Darius I
Conquest of Eastern Persian Empire (330-327 BC)
- Alexander discharges the _____ troops and leaves Parmenion (one of his generals) as satrap at capital Ecbatana
- Alexander does ___ catch Darius III, because of satrap Bessos in Bactria
- Alexander begins treating himself as the legitimate leader of a new multicultural Persian empire (ex. clothing like a Persian) to endear the people he’s conquered, but starts to estrange himself from the Macedonian troops
Conquest of Eastern Persian Empire (330-327 BC) Continued
- Alexander has __________ campaigning in the far Eastern Persian Empire (unfamiliar territory)
- Ultimately succeeds, installation of Greek and Macedonian _________ with garrisons + Greek mercenary and Macedonian veteran ________
- Alexander’s troops become increasingly ________ (Alexander appeals to them similarly to Agamemnon’s strategy, works for him)
- Alexander acting more like a _______ king and relying more on ___-Greek elites and Iranian troops
governors, colonies
Persian, non-Greek
Conquest of Eastern Persian Empire (330-327 BC) Continued
- Alexander continues estranging from his Macedonian troops
- Marries Sogdian elite Roxane in ___ BC; son Alexander IV possible heir until his and mother’s murder in 310 BC
- _____ begin to arise against Alexander, increasingly erratic behavior by him
- He executes some of his army’s leaders, including Parmenion
- While drunk, murders the soldier who saved his life at Granicus
Campaigning in India (___-____BC)
- India was at the ____ of the known world to the ancient Greek world
- Alexander allies with King Taxila in the _____ River Valley
- Battle of Hydaspes (326 BC): Alexander and Taxila vs. King Poros
- Alexander’s army _______ to push further east
- Results of Alexander’s Indian Campaign: mix of local Indian and Greek ___, establishment of settlements
- Takes his army home through the Gedrosian desert (modern day Pakistan)
- Corruption + dissension in Alexander’s abscence: Alexander ________ eight disloyal satraps and generals, royal treasurer Harpalos flees to Athens
New administration of Persian Empire
- Alexander ________ Greek mercenary forces, sends them back home
- Attempts strategic multicultural __________, for himself and his generals, offers financial incentive for taking a wife
- Infused his army with ______ (ex. Iranians) and trained them in Greek style combat
- Leaned into the traditions of Persian kingship
- Alexander dies in June ___ BC in Babylon, did not declare an heir
- Death marks the beginning of the ___________ period: generals carve up conquered Persian Empire into large territorial kingdoms