Week 10 (Genre of Comedy & Aristophanes' Lysistrata; Presocratic & Plato) Flashcards
Old comedy: late _th century BC - _th century BC
New Comedy: _th century BC - _rd century BC
6th, 4th
4th, 3rd
Aristophanes: lived c. 447-385 BC, the most famous old ______ writer.
His plays were based on _____________ life, current _________ and cultural issues. Characters are often exaggerated and _____________. He was counter-cultural, but still a traditionalist.
contemporary, political
Lysistrata starts with the duties of and stereotypes concerning married women: Aristophanes is very ____________ in his portrayal - women are vain and superficial (make-up, clothing, etc.), they enjoy hanging out and having fun and making noise, very fond of ___.
Aristophanes’ Lysistrata takes place in 411 BC in ______. Aristophanes was trying to appeal to a wider audience.
Big themes: women having power and authority, the ________ of gender norms; Importance of the domestic during wartime (women holding down the household), what is the purpose of war?
Women arrive to Lysistrata’s call, including her friend Myrrhine, nicknamed “______”, and Lampito, the head of the Spartan delegation. Lampito is characterized as blunt, physically built. Lysistrata is characterized as organizer of Panhellenic alliance of women.
Lysistratas’ plan: all women withold ___ from the men, and seize the Athenian ________ at the Parthenon.
Women reaction to Lysistrata’s plan: some try _______, believing they can’t do it. Ultimately, they take oath over undiluted wine.
The Old Athenian Men Chorus is portrayed as very _______, they try to ____ out the women from the Acropolis. The magistrate is characterized as angry and misogynistic, but Lysistrata is characterized as a strategos, reasoning that women handle the domestic finances, so they should be stewards of state money.
Myrrhine’s husband ___ is characterized as impatient, pushy, honry, crude, rude, only means to satisfy his own desires.
-The chorus of the men & women make up
-Spartan & Athenian delegations meet: Lysistrata brokers a peace truce by appealing to ___________ identity. Agreement on territorial concessions, concludes with a _______.
The earliest Greek philosophers were based in _____ in the late _th- early _th century BC. These thinkers differed from those before them, observing the natural world and exploring rational thought.
7th, 6th
The Monists proposed single causes for the world, the four elements: _____, ____, ____, _____
earth, wind, fire, water
Thales: late 7th-early 6th century BC monist, believed _____ was the cause for all existence.
-Furthermore, he believed the soul was made of _____.
- Applied astronomy and geology to practical problems, such as predicting the solar eclipse in 585 BC.
Anaximander: 610-546 BC monist thinker
- the cause of all existence was the aperion, or the boundless ________
-early idea of evolution
Anaximenes (6th cent. BC) monist thinker
- cause of all existence was __
- astronomer (stars move around the Earth)
Pythagoras (571-497 BC)
-Pythagorean theorem
- born in Samos, moved to Southern Italy
- he led a philosophical ____ that included women
- math as process for understanding existence
- There are 3 classes: intellectuals, ambitious, and workers
- body-soul dualism, belief in reincarnation and that the soul is immortal
- The number ___ is the nature of number
Xenophanes (570-478 BC)
- Born in Asia Minor, moved to Sicily after exile
- he ________ the traditional conceptions of the gods. Believed that god was unmoving/unchanging, refute the _______________ of gods.
Unlike the Monists, the ___________ believed in multiple causes for existence. They emerged in the _th cent. BC
- Earliest example was Empedocles (493-433 BC)
- Democritus (460-370 BC): From the Northern Aegean. Proponent of _______, or that atoms explain life. There are many forms of atoms, and besides atoms there is the ____. He considered the gods little.
Sophists: Beginning in the late Archaic period, they taught speaking and argumentation to young men
- Protagoras (490-420 BC): pupil of Democritus, ally of Pericles
- convicted of atheism & expelled from ______. Taught critical thinking for ___, to the distaste of Plato.
-main ideas: “man is the ________” or the truth is relative, agnostic (skeptical) approach to the ____.