Week 5 - Intro to the brain Flashcards
Until 200 years ago, it was believed species were created seperatetly. What did NATURALISTS do?
- Doubted the initial theory
- Fossils of extinct species provided evidence for evolution
evolution: gradual change of a species
What is homology?
A similarity based on common ancestry, as with forelimbs.
What is phrenology
The detailed study of the shape and size of the cranium.
Developed ny Franz Josef Gall
Now seen as a pseudoscience
What is the anatomical term for ‘‘Broca’s Area’’
What are Gyri and Sulci?
Gyri = bumps
Sulci = folds
terms for positioning of the brain:
Dorsal: upper brain
Ventral: lower brain
Anterior: front of the brain
Posterior: back of the brain
Superior: towards the top of the brain
Inferior: towards the bottom of the brain
What is the Frontal Lobe
Seperated from:
Parietal lobe by central sulcus
Temporal lobe by lateral sulcus
- It is the largest lobe, it makes us human and grown up
What are the functions of the Frontal lobe?
- Movement
- Impulse control
- judgement
- language production
- memory
- problem solving
- sexual behaviour
- involved in planning, coordinating, controling and executing behaviour
What is the occipital lobe?
The smallest of the four lobes
- exclusively concerned with visual processing
- seperated from the parietal lobe by parieto-occipital sulcus
- calcarine sulcus = primary visual cortex
What is the temporal lobe?
- Superior temporal gyrus = Primary auditory cortex
- Inferior temporal gyrus = high-level visual provessing, object recognition, face recognition
What is the Parietal Lobe?
Seperated from the frontal lobe by central sulcus.
It is important for:
- Somatosensory perception
- Intersensory intergration
- Spatial vision
- Spatial attention
- If lesioned = visual neglect.
What are the two main functions of the Meninges and Ventricular system?
- Protect: act as a shock absorber
- Nourish: Provides an exchange medium between blood and brain
The limbic system includes structures important for learning and memory, they are:
Amygdala: emotional regulation and perception of odor
Hippocampus: Some forms of learning and memory
Olfactory bulb: sense of smell
What are golgi stains
show complexities and varieties of neurons
The brain has about 86 millions neurons