Week 1 - History and Perspectives & Concepts and Purpose Flashcards
What is The Scientific Method
This method involves collecting data in controlled, objective ways which link theories to evidence so we can:
- describe / observe regularities
- predict / develop a theory and prediction
- understand / test the prediction
- controlled / Evaluate the theory
Abandon, refine, develop
What is di Pellegrino’s et al., (1992) Mirror Neuron Study
- Money at rest: A mirror neuron is at a resting state (No electrical signals)
- Grasping execution: A mirror neuron fires
- Observation of grasping movements: a mirror neuron fires
What is a theory?
A theory is an argument / set of propositions that claim to say why and/or how something occurs or wil occur
- must predict something specific
- provides ideas which can be tested
- dribes the application of ideas in the real word (e.g. why should an intervation work?)
What is Empiricism?
- Testing assumed ‘it’ can be measured
- Theories should be based on available evidence gathered through obervation
What are the 3 Early Vision
Behaviourism – the mind is irrelevant; we
are shaped by our environment we have
no free will.
Psychodynamic– the natural mind is
constrained by social pressures and
represses this constraint.
Humanistic – people want to grow and
reach their full potential. The
environment can facilitate or inhibit this.
What is the behaviourist approach
Later years of the 19th & early 20th century
Pavlov’s dogs
Thorndike’s cats
Skinner’s rats
What is the psychodynamic approach?
Linked to Freud’s work around 1900
- Medical training, linked to biological underpinnings (innate drives)
- Therapeutic observations-
- Work with WWI veterans and trauma
- Our mental life and behaviour is determined by unconscious motivations underpinned by instinctual drives and by events in childhood
What is humanistic psychology?
- Arises from the work of Rogers and Maslow (late 1950s early 1960s)
Response to the lack of ‘human’
elements in psychology - Conceptual focus - human desire to reach potential
“The core of man’s nature is essentially
positive” (Rogers 1961, p.73) - ‘Actualising tendency’ – people want
to grow