Week 5: GEN-N-UP Flashcards
What is the purpose of GEN-N-01?
To heat up the plant from a refueling condition or a cold shutdown condition to hot shutdown conditions (i.e. Mode 5 to Mode 4)
What RCS pressure is required before placing an RCP into service?
320 psig to ensure a #1 seal differential pressure of 200 psid.
At what RCS temperature is at least 1 RCP required to be running?
Tcold above 160F
Describe the major steps to heat up the plant from a refueling condition or a cold shutdown condition to hot shutdown conditions.
PZR Solid
Raise RCS pressure to ~350 psig
Draw PZR bubble
Start RCPs
Throttle RHR - commence RCS heatup
At Tavg = 325F, place Steam Dumps in service
At Tavg = 345F, isolate RHR and align for ECCS
What is the purpose of GEN-N-02?
To take the plant from hot shutdown to hot standby; i.e. NOP/NOT.
Describe the major steps to take the plant from hot shutdown to hot standby; i.e. NOP/NOT.
Continue RCS Heatup & Pressurization
Between 700-1000 psig RCS pressure, place Accumulators in service
When RCS pressure is greater than 1970, verify P-11 clears
When Tavg is greater than 550F, verify P-12 clears
What is the purpose of GEN-N-03?
To take the reactor from NOP/NOT and subcritical to NOP/NOT and critical at 2% power
What are the maximum SURs allowed during the approach to criticality?
1 dpm steady-state
1.5 dpm transient
Describe the approach to criticality.
The RO will withdraw the rods in 50 step increments while in overlap and observe the resulting count and startup rates. Using an ICRR and/or a Startup Doubling Curve, a predicted critical position will be obtained and compared to the ECP supplied by RXE. The rod withdrawals will continue until a constant positive startup rate is achieved.
After the reactor is declared critical, where will the RO level off power? What will need to be done before that?
The RO will level off power at 10^-8 amps on the IR NIs.
Prior to reaching 10^5 counts on the SR NIs, the SR High Flux trip will need to be blocked once P-6 is reached (10^-10 amps on the IR).
What steps must be taken before blocking the SR Hi flux trip?
P-6 in
SR and IR overlapped 1 decade
SR and IR SUR approximately equal
What is the purpose of GEN-N-04?
To start the MFW system (removing the S/U FWP from service), starting the main turbine/generator, sync the generator with the grid, raise power to 100%.
What GEN-N-04 steps will be taken at 1% RTP?
Start 2nd Condenser Pump
Start MFWP
Remove S/U FW Pump
What GEN-N-04 steps will be taken at 10% RTP?
Verify P-10 and P-7 are in
Block IR High flux trip
Block PR High flux trip (low setpoint)
What GEN-N-04 steps will be taken at 15% RTP?
Roll Turbine
Sync Generator to grid
Transfer house loads to Unit Aux Xfmr
Steam Dumps to Tavg mode
Rod control to auto
Transfer SG level control to MF reg valves