Week 5 Flashcards
The ankle involves
Tibia, fibula and talus
How much load transfer does the tibia accommdate
Which is the largest tarsal bone
Which tarsal bone is most commonly fractured
Talocrural joint forms what
mortise joint
What attach to the head of the fibula
biceps fem
Peroneal nerve (posteriorly)_
What is sinus tarsi
area where neck of talus and ATFL is palpable - if pain could indicate ATFL injury, fracture of the talus, sinus tarsi syndrome
What transmits BW from hindfoot to midfoot
What is the most commonly fractured bone of the foot
name the ligaments of the foot
medially - deltoid (tibio-calcaneal, tibionavicular and tibiotalar) - limits eversion Laterally Anterior talofibular calcaneofibular posterior talofibular -resist inversion
what is the most commonly injured ligament
lateral malleolus to talar neck
How is the ATFL injured
Inversion + PF
open pack position of the ankle
What is the role of the calcaneofibular ligament
resist inversion at talocrural (esp in DF) & subtalar
What is the PTFL and what is its role
posterior talofibular ligament
lateral malleolus - lateral tubercle of talus
- stabilises talus in mortise
-limits abduction esp in DF