week 4: wave 1: psychoanalysis Flashcards
the case of Anna O
Anna was diagnosed with hysteria and was getting hypnotherapy and said to freud that talking helped her more which is what started the talking therapy
what drove psychoanalysis out of europe
hitler and stalin
how many feudian analysis immigrated to the US
what did freud do
helped move the treatment of mental illnesses from the asylum and hospital to the office
how many psychiatrists worked in hospitals in 1940
how much did psychiatrists working in hospitals decrease from 1940 to 1956
17% decrease
why did psychoanalysis die down in the 60s
social change (womens movement)
medical field (studies showed a low cure rate)
rise of medication
3rd edition of DSM in 1980 barely contained any Freudianism
what type of approach is the pyschoanalysis
the mordernist
what is the freudian outlook on human nature
what is a deterministic outlook
it maintains that an individuals personality is fixed largely by the age of 6
people do not have free will but rather their behaviour is determined by innate drives that have to do with sex and aggression or love and death
a large emphasis on how one is raised by ones parents
what is a characteristic of a modernist approach
the idea of a personality
what are the drives freud believed with lived towards
drive towards life
drive towards death
what are the urges part of the subconscious that influence the way we go through the world
thanatos (death instinct)
what is eros/ libido
sexual drive/life instincts
human driving force, innate human urges
creative energies, motivation towards growth development and creativity
what is thanatos
death instinct
destructive energies/aggressive drive
managing the aggressive drive is a major challenge in human behaviour
what was freuds view on libido and death instinct
that they both operate in humans and determine what they do and why
what is consciousness
rational reality awareness
what is unconsciousness
dreams of symbolic representations of unconscious needs, inner conflicts, unfulfilled wishes, Id- superego conflicts, slips of the tongue, free association material, symbolic content of psychotic symptoms, repressed material
what is preconscious
habits, denial, habitual repetitive patterns we are semi-aware of
what does the Id do
instincts (the child)
eg. I want
ruled by the pleasure principle
what is do the ego do
rules by the reality principle (the parent)
eg. i will
the executive part of the personality, governs and controls and regulates personality
controls consciousness and checks and controls impulses from the id
seat of rational inteligence
distinguishes between inner and outer reality of experience
what does the superego do
morality (the parent)
eg. i should
judicial part of the personality
idealistic and moral intentions eg. good or bad and right or wrong thinking, striving for perfection internalisation of parental and societal values and aims
what is the goal of the id
seeks to reduce tension, avoiding pain and gaining pleasure
what is the goal of the superego
aims to inhibit the id impulses