week 2: framework for practice Flashcards
what is a framework
a coherent statement of the ideas principles and beliefs that guid our action in practice
what are values
idea that every decision we make is underpinned by what we value in life: every action and inaction
what do values do
shape everything we do
underpin human agency, choice and autonomy
what do values help us choose
what theory works best with our practice
what is epistemology
the theory of knowledge
“knowing what we know or thinking about what we think”
what is a modernist approach
counselling theories seen as accurate reflection of human experience
- problems that people face result from deficits or pathologies within themselves or their environment
what underpins all theories
structuralism or post structuralism
what is structuralism
the aim of enquiry is to search for ‘deep structures’ or ‘essential truths’ about people
can be objective
it is our deep structure/ inner self that shapes life
our ideas, problems, qualities are link to some internal self
our identities are fixed and essential and consistent
what is post structuralism
an effect of enquiry into structures is the development of certain norms about what peoples lives should look like in order to be healthy
our ideas, problems, qualities are all products of what under post structuralism
culture and history
what does post structuralism believe in our identities
our identities are made up, continually being made up of many (sometimes contradictory) stories
what does post structuralism believe regarding language
that it plays a vital role in shaping life
what people say and do and how we relate to each other shapes life.
the meaning that we give to events in our lives and how we organise these into stories about ourselves, shape life
what are frameworks good for
they help us as counsellors know what to do and why we are doing it
- intentional and ethical practice
what do counselling theories serve as
a frame of reference for thinking about ourselves
- what we do and why we do it
what is a theory
A theory is a system of inferences, assumptions, and interpretations drawn from one’s observations and experiences
characteristics of a good theory
precision and testability empirical validity parsimony stimulation practicality/utility
what is meant by Precision and Testability for good theory
provides clear operational definitions of its constructs that will allow others to “test” the theory, which in turn predicts future observations and stimulates new discoveries
- well-defined
- specific
- measurable constructs
what is meant by Empirical Validity and Stimulation in good theory
can be tested for confirmation or falsification using scientific experiments eg. validity
what is meant by Parsimony in good theory
researchers should strive for simple measurement models that use the minimum number of parameters needed to explain a given phenomenon
what is meant by Practicality/Utility in good theory
counselling theories help us articulate the assumptions, interpretations, and hypotheses we employ to understand what is happening with our clients and to make predictions about what may happen in the future
effective counsellor employs a theory to
describe, explain, predict, and change behavior
what is Explanatory theory
Explanatory theory helps one understand complex situations
ways to support ethical practice
focus on the welfare of clients developmental and cultural sensitivity informed consent monitor effectiveness boundaries of competance
what do effective counsellors do with theory
Effective counselors call on theories to assist them in organizing clinical data, making
complex processes coherent, and providing conceptual guidance for interventions
what are theories good for
- connect seemingly disparate areas of knowledge, allowing him or her to make more discriminating judgments about the information being presented and how best to respond
- counselling theory allows him or her to approach
work with a client with a greater sense of what to do if “this or that” occurs.
-Counselors’ theories help them know what they are doing, why they are doing it, and the anticipated result or impact