Week 4 - The Self Flashcards
Who is William James?
“I-self” : knower, experiencer, present-tense, story-teller, consciousness
“Me-self” : known, experienced, past-tense
How do we know ourselves, what are 5 ways?
- Outmoded: projective tests (NOT REALLY USED ANYMORE)
- Introspection about the self
- Predicting feelings/behav
- Selfperception theory
- Social context
What is a projective method? (Association method)
-Unconcious self probed at VIA lateral method
Ex) First word that comes to mind after ________.
“Pencil” “sharp”
What is introspection?
Process where you look inwards examine own thoughts, feelings and motives
ONLY YOU have direct access
What might be a reason why we struggle to understand why we make the decisions we do?
Nisbett and Wilson suggest… may be based on our common naive theories, therefore may be WRONG
Do friends or strangers know us better?
Depends if the traits we are judged on OBSERVABLE or EVALUATE (+) and (-) more based on self-esteem
What is affective forecasting?
People are often bad at predicting their OWN feelings
Often wrong about DURATION and INTENSITY
- Focus (diff perspective VS when in the moment)
- Psycho “immune system” (good at bringing us back to homeostasis)
- We get over it BAD or GOOD ^
What is self-perception theory?
When internal cues are HARD to understand
WE gain insight by observing our OWN behaviour
How do facial expressions effect emotion?
Through self-perception
Evoke PHYSIOLOGICAL changes that produce an emotion experience
Ex) facial feedback hypothesis
What are the 2 kinds of motivation in self-perceptions of motivation?
- Intrinsic: factors W/IN a person
- Extrinsic: factors OUTSIDE the person
REWARD or PENALTY can decrease intrinsic motivation ——-> external attributes
Vise versa…
What is the overjustification effect?
Tendency for intrinsic motivation to DIMINISH with activities for rewards/other extrinsic factors
Ex) kids and drawing, kids that already like drawing?
What is the social comparison theory?
Process of evaluating ourselves through comparisons with other people
Happens most OFTEN when UNCERTAIN about self-evaluation
We compare ourselves with SIMILAR others
Ex) When I’m at uni and I’m feelin ugly I compare myself to get a sense to see if other people care about the way they look
***RECALL (cognition)
What is cognitive appraisal theory of emotions
Stimulus —> PRIMARY appraisal process—> SECONDARY appraisal process—> emotional experience
What is the 2- factor theory of emotion?
2 factors needed to FEEL emotion:
1) must feel physiological AROUSAL
2) must make cognitive INTERPRETATION
Ex) interact angry vs nice person with placebo VS adrenaline shot
Study by Schahter and Singer
For emotions the physiological interactions can’t be too “____________” and other people must be “____________” before its onset
What is culture
A set of beliefs, attitudes, values, norms,
morals, customs, roles, statuses, symbols, and rituals
shared by a SELF-identified group
What is individualism?
Gives priority to ones own goals over group goals
Defining identity in terms of PERSONAL attributes
North American/Western cultures are…. (4)
Independent self
Context dependent
Analytic reasoning (emphasis on power of RULES)
Internal attributions (behav of others —-> correspond to self traits)
What is collectivism?
Promote concept of giving priority to goals of ones GROUP
Define group based on group
Connections with others, group goals, REJECT EGOISM
Eastern cultures are…. (4)
Interdependent selves (others part of self)
Context dependent (gestalt)
Holistic reasoning (contradictions are OKAY)
External attributions
What is effectance motivation?
The most BASIC and (positive) motivation
Is narcissism on the rise?
What are some “qualities” of millennials
Self-esteem movement “every social problem can be traced back to low self esteem”
Millennials- confident, engaged, wealth focussed, entitled, burned-out and stressed
Is anxiety and depression on the rise?
How is narcissism represented online?
- Larger audience
- Fishing for compliments
- IDEALISTIC self presented
Ex) the SELFIE
Want approval and superiority (likes)
Relieves anxiety for narcissist