Week 4 - team dynamics Flashcards
Define a team
Two or more people who
interact and influence each other, are
mutually accountable for common goals and
perceive themselves as a social entity
Define an informal gropu
People assembled together, with or without interdependence for the benefit of their members
Describe the advantages & disadvantages of teams
Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams
- better decisions,
- share info
- increas breadth of knowledge
- motivated & engaged
Disadvantages of teams
- suit complex work only
- mutually understand goals, roles & rules to avoid:
- Process losses - Resources go to team development/ maintenance rather than the task.
- Brooks’s law - idea that adding more people to a project only makes it later.
- Social loafing - less effort when working in teams than when working alone.
Define team effecivenss & list the factors of the team effectiveness model
A team is said to be effective when it benefits the organiztion, its members, and its own survival.
Factors of the team effectiveness model:
- Team environment - all conditions beyond the team’s boundaries that influence its effectiveness
- Team design s - task and team size / composition
- Team processes - stages of development, trust & culture
A model of team effectiveness:

TEAM ENVIRONMENT represents all conditions beyond the team’s boundaries that influence its effectiveness. List some of these:
- Rewards
- Communication
- Organizational structure
- leadership
- Physical space
Team design incorporates interdependance, team size & composition. Discuss
Teams suited for situations complex work with tasks require high interdependence.
Team size: Teams should be large enough to perform the work yet small enough for efficient coor- dination and meaningful involvement
Composition - people willing to be in the team.
- Cooperating
- Coordinating
- Communicating
- Comforting .
- Conflict resolving
The team process stage comprises team development, team norms, team cohesion & team trust. Discuss:
Development - 5 stages - forming, storming, norming, performing, and eventually adjourning.
Team norms - informal rules and shared expectations that groups establish to regulate the behavior of their members.
Cohesion - degree of attraction people feel toward the team and their motivation to remain members.
Trust - positive expectations one person has toward another person in situations involving risk.
List success factors for self directed tems
- Own work process
- interdependant
- Autonomous
- structure supports co-ordination & communication
Define virtual teams & success factors.
Virtual Teams - members operate across space, time, and boundaries via it.
- Self leadershop
- Access to several communication tools & freedom to choose
- structure.
- early face-to-face meeting to establish relationship culture
List 4 main constraints on team decision making
- Time Constraints
- evaluation apprehension
- Pressure to Conform
- Groupthink