Week 4 Social influence Flashcards
Social influence
process whereby attitudes, and behaviours are influenced by the real or implied presence of others
Superficial change in expressed atttiudes and behaviours in response to requets or group pressure
- Compliance does not involve internal change
- Compliance occurs only under surveillance (real or assumed)
- The source of influence has the power
Persuasive influence
Privately adhering to, or adjusting our thoughts, feelings, and/or behaviours to be consistent with the standard of the group.
- Involves internal change
- Doesn’t need surveillance
- Source of influence doesn’t need to have power
Reference group
groups to which we feel closely related and which has a great influence on our attitudes and behaviours
Obedience: experiment description
Milgram experiment 1974 (obj: investigate obedience to authority)
- 20 to 50 years old men
- randomly assigned role of teacher while a confederate was learner
- teacher had to learner’s knowledge under different conditiosn
–> 65% obedience
Conformity experiment
Asch experiment 1951
- male unviersity students
- take part in a visual discrimination task with different lenghts of line
–> average conformity rate 33%
Process of conformity
- Normative influence : person’s desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval, wants to fit in
- informational influence: pressure to conform to a group norm
Factors which influence confirmity
- Low-self esteem
- Unanimous group,
- Attractive group’s status
- No prior commitment
Minority influence + factors
The minority can introduces social change(s) that can lead to innovation
Factors which influence minority:
- Investment (minority making significant personal and material sacrificies ex: Colin Kaepernick)
- Autonomy (minority acting out of principal rather than personal motives)
- Consistency (a minority which doesn’t change its opinion)
Membership group
Group to which we belong
- not particularly feeling a sense of belonging
- doesn’t not have much influence on our attitudes and behaviours
Type of compliance
Direct and public
Type of compliance
Indirect and private
Cause of compliance
Normative or informational influence
Cause of compliance
Due to cognitive conflict
Content of thinking
Message is passively
accepted as valid without
much thought