Week 4 Human Behavior Flashcards
Religion vs. Spirituality
Religion has collective strict approach WHILE Spirituality has individual broad aproach
Challenges to doing conclusive research on the influence of spiritual beliefs and practices
Defining what to measure Asking a researchable question How to measure The control group All religions are not the same.
3 types of stains
Differentiate Basic vs. Acidic
Specialized stains to distinguish fibrous cytoskeleton components
Metalic salts that precipitate
Acidic vs. Basic stains

Classic blood stain
Wright and Giemsa
Most common stain used in histology
Hematoxylin and Eosin
Nucleus, rER - blue;
Cytoplasm - varying shades of red;
Collagen - very pale pink;
Cartilage and calcium deposits - dark blue;
Red blood cells - bright red
History of Present Illness
OLDCARTS: Onset Location Duration Characteristics Aggravating Factors Relieving Factors Treatment
Past medical history
MASHI: Medications, surgeries, allergies, hospitalizations, immunizations
Fam Hx
Family history
CHADS: Cancer, Heart&Hypertension, Astma, Diabetes, Stroke
Soc Hx
Social history:
SODAS: Smoking, occuptation, diet&drugs, alcohol, sexual history
Review of systems: Head to toe
The introduction
Introduce yourself
Explain who you are
Explain the purpose of the interview/exam
Ask for permission to proceed
My name is Pawel and I am a first year medical student working in the clinic today with Dr. X. I will be taking your initial history and doing a physical exam, if that is okay with you
Taking history
Comfort for all involved
Remove physical barriers
Sit down
Good lightin
Noise level
Introduce other in the room
Address patient properly
Eye contact
Respect symptomps e.g. pain
Avoid assumptions / leading questions
Simple language
Spare notes
Clarify responses with where, when, what, how, and why
Sensitive issues
Be comfortable and direct
Ensure privacy
Explain why
No preaching
Respect if patient refuses
Legal Document about history and exam
Communication method
HPI (from class)
O – onset – “when did it start?”
P - provocation/palliation – “anything make it better or worse?”
Q – quality – “what do you mean by ‘tired’?”
R – radiation – (best for pain) “does the pain radiate anywhere?”
S – severity – “how bad is it on a scale of 1-10…” or “what can you do now vs what could you do before this started?”
T – timing – “when did this start?”
HPI beggining
X is a X yo gentleman with PMH of X prior who presents with the chief complaint of X.