Week 4 Flashcards
What lies in the palacolic gutters?
Descending and ascending colon
What is the name of the fatty projections found on the colon?
Omental appendices
Where is McBurney’s point?
1/3 of the way between the right ASIS to the umbilicus
Name the abdominal branches of the aorta
Celiac trunk
Superior mesenteric
Inferior mesenteric
Common iliac arteries
Where does the celiac trunk come off of the aorta?
Where do the renal arteries branch off of the aorta?
Where do the gonadal arteries branch off of the aorta?
Where does the superior mesenteric artery branch off of the aorta?
Where does the inferior mesenteric artery branch off of the aorta?
What is the anastomoses in the colon called?
Marginal Artery of Drummond
Where are the venous system anastomoses?
Distal end of the oesophagus
Skin around the umbilicus
Rectum/anal canal
If a patient has Caput Medusae, what is the underlying cause?
Portal hypertension
If a patient has oesophageal varices, what is the underlying cause?
Portal hypertension
What is a polyp?
Tumour/protrusion above an epithelial surface
Could be benign or malignant
What is a pedunculated ployp?
A polyp hanging on a stalk
What is a sessile polyp?
Hairy/flappy in appearence
‘All adenomas are dysplastic’
What does this mean?
All adenomas have abnormal cells
Should adenomas of the colon get removed?
They are all premalignant
Which is more common, left sided or right sided colorectal carcinoma?
Left sided
What is the difference between Heriditary Non-Polyposis Coli (HNPCC) and Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP)
HNPCC < 100 polyps
Late onset
Defect in DNA mismatch repair
FAP > 100 polyps
Defect in tumour supression
Inherited mutation in FAP gene
What inherited colorectal carcinoma predominantly presents right sided tumours?
What type of inherited colorectal carcinoma gives rise to mucinous tumours?
What type of inherited colorectal carcinoma can present as polyps found throughout the colon?
What type of inherited colorectal carcinoma can present as adenocarcinoma?