Buzzwords Flashcards
Gingival hypertrophy/Gingvectomy/Biting own gums
Side effect of calcium channel blockers or phenytoin
Bird beak appearance (and distended oesophagus)
Achalasia (if in lower GI, sign of bowel obstruction)
Grey Turner’s Syndrome and Cullen’s sign
Acute pancreatitis
GET SMASHED - Acute pancreatitis
Gallstones Ethanol Steroids Mumps Autoimmune Scorpion bites/stings Hyperlipidaemia/hyperthermia/hypercalcaemia ERCP Drugs
Murphys sign positive
Pale stools, jaundice, abdo pain
Biliary obstruction
Abdo distension, caput medusae, shifting dullness
Portal hypertension + ascites
Pyoderma gangrenosum, erythem nodusm
Tinkling bowel sounds
Bowel obstruction
Vesicular rash and weight loss
Coeliac disease
Virchow’s node (left supra-clavicular)
Gastric cancer
Urea breath test
C breath test
Bacterial overgrowth
Rice-water like stools
vibrio cholera
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Presence of AMA (anti-mitochondrial antibodies)
Autoimmune hepatitis
Presence of ASMA (anti-smooth muscle antibodies)
Alpha feto protein assay
Hepatocellular carcinoma (or teratoma)
Cobblestone mucosa indicating deep fissuring ulceration of mucosa
Crohn’s disease
Diuretic for ascites (due to cirrhosis)
Corkscrew oesophagus on barium swallow
Diffuse oesophageal spasm
Severe abdo pain + D&V after raw milk
Russell’s sign
self induced vomiting
Mallory’s hyaline bodies
Alcoholic liver disease (acute hepatitis) and chronic active hepatitis
Crypt abscess/cryptitis
Inflammatory bowel CROHN’S