week 4 Flashcards
what is asthma and what is the treatment of it ?
variable obstructive airway disorder can be treated with brochodilators ( and anti flammatories)
which two tests are used to determine if a patient has asmtha?
FEV1/FVC SPIROMETRY( has more consistant messurement for age and hight_) OR PEAK EXPIRATROY FLOW( cheap but varies a lot with age)
what are factors grading asthma serversity?
-severity of lifestyle impairment
-number of onset of acute bronchospasm
-level of medical intervention required
what would a mild to moderate asthma attack look like?
severe dyspnoea(sob) especially on exhalation
tachypnoea(abnormal rapid breathing) , maybe tachycardia(fast heart rate)
coughing and wheezing during bronchospasm
blodd gases normal
what would a severe asthma attack look like?
-greater use of accessory muscles
-unable to complete sentences on a breath
decrease haemoglobin satuation
what would life threating asthma attack look like?
drowsy, reduced consciousness
saturations <90%
may have cyanosis
there is two types of asthma what are they?
intrinsic(cause not obvious, not very treatable with inflammatory therapy
) and extrinsic(external factors, allergic ,drug induced ect)
there are three components to the inflammatory response what are they?
and cellular response
what is the primary chemicals that are released in a inflammatory response?
histamine and postaglandins
which inflammatory cells are recruited in a inflammatory response?
Initially, neutrophils , which attack bacteria later macrophages, which attack bacteria and digested dead tissue.
what do prostaglandins , histamine ,leukotrienes do and what are the differences
what dose vasodilation from prostagladin, histamine and serotonin cause?
increase local BP
more inflammatory cell transit.
what dose antihistamines do ?
reduce vasodilation
(Inhibits increase vascular permeability.)
what does NSAID do on the effects of inflammation and immunity?
inhibit prostaglandin production
( Inhibit Vascodilation)
what does corticosteroids do on the effects of inflammation and immunity?
inhibit prostaglandin and leukotriene production
( Inhibit vascular response and cellular response.)
what dose B2 receptors do to smooth muscle
it relaxes it
what is the name of 3 short acting beta agonists for beta 2 recptors?
what are long acting beta agonist for beta 2 receptors ?
1.salmeterol slow onset (30min)
2. formeterol fast onset(2min ) disavances is that low selectivlity and can cause cardiac problems
treament regimen for severe bronchospasm from start to last option?
treament regimen for severe bronchospasm from start to last option?
anti-muscarinics work by ?
reducing effects on the Parasympathetic nervous system, causing bronchodilation and inhibit mucus production. used in Asthma, used if SABA doesn’t work.
why is corticosteroids the recommended medication for inflammation and immunity in asthma when compared to NSAID’S and antihistamines?
are long acting and inhibit prostaglandins and leuktriene production where NSAID are short acting and may induce bronchospasm and antihistamines have little effects on leukocytes and long term inflammation
Why wouldnt we want to give children corticosteroids as an anti flammatory for asthma?
as it can inhibit growth
what type of corticosteroids is it ? inhaled, oral or systemic
what type of corticosteroids is it ? inhaled, oral or systemic
inhaled- short half life