Week 3 Lecture 4 Joints Flashcards
What are Skull Sutures?
They are immovable fibrous joints that bind the skull bones together
4 types of Sutures?
Coronal, Sagittal, Lambdoid and Squamous Sutures
What is Cartilaginous Joint – Synchondrosis?
Is an immovable joint (synarthrosis) in which the material connecting the articulating surfaces is hyaline cartilage.
What is Cartilaginous Joint – Symphysis?
is a slightly movable joint (amphiarthrosis) in which the articulating surfaces of the articulating bones are covered with hyaline cartilage and the bones are attached together by a layer.
Example of Symphysis?
Pubic symphysis or Intervertebral discs
What are Synovial Joints?
Joins bones with a fibrous joint capsule that is continuous with the periosteum of the joined bones,
What are the different types of Synovial Joints?
Ball and socket joint, Condyloid joint, Plane joint, Saddle joint, Hinge joint and Pivot joint.
What is a Hinge Joint?
Hinge joints are formed between two or more bones where the bones can only move along one axis to flex or extend.
What is a Pivot Joint?
The Pivot Joint is a freely moveable joint (diarthrosis) that allows only rotary movement around a single axis. The moving bone rotates within a ring that is formed from a second bone and adjoining ligament.
What is a Condyloid or Ellipsoidal Joint?
is an ovoid articular surface, or condyle that is received into an elliptical cavity.
What is a Saddle Joint?
is a synovial joint where one of the bones forming the joint is shaped like a saddle with the other bone resting on it like a rider on a horse.
What is a Plane Joint?
Is a mating surfaces that are slightly curved and may be either ovoid or sellar.
Example of a Plane Joint?
They are joints between the metacarpal bones of the hand and those between the cuneiform bones of the foot.
Example of a Saddle Joint?
Carpometacarpal joint of the thumb
Example of a Condyloid or Ellipsoidal Joint?
The Wrist Joint
Example of a Pivot Joint?
The first and second vertebrae of the neck that allows the head to move back and forth.
Example of a Hinge Joint?
Knee, Elbow or Ankle Joints
What is a Ball and Socket Joint?
It is the ball-shaped surface of one rounded bone fits into the cup-like depression of another bone
Example of a Ball and Socket Joint?
Hip Joint
What is the Anatomical Position?
Standing upright Facing the observer, head level Eyes facing forward Feet flat on the floor Arms at the sides Palms turned forward (ventral)
What does Proximal mean?
Towards the trunk
What does Distal mean?
Away from the trunk
What does Posterior/dorsal mean?
Towards the back
What does Anterior/ventral mean?
Towards the front
What are the 3 principal planes?
Frontal (coronal)
Transverse (cross-sectional or horizontal)
What are the 3 Axis?
What is Adduction & Abduction?
Adducting is towards the midline & Abducting is away from the midline
What combines with Circumduction?
What’s a Fibrous Joint?
They are connections between bones that are held together by fibrous connective tissue that includes many collagen fibres.
What is Gomphoses?
The attachment of the roots of the teeth within the sockets of the alveolar processes of the lower-jaw (mandible) and upper-jaw (maxillae)
What does Ligaments do?
Join bone to bone and act as ropes connected at their ends and They limit (restrict) movements by tightening