week 3 in-class quiz Flashcards
week 1 + 2 content
Fibre in fruit that is digestible
soluble fibre
Approximately how
much energy
expenditure is
contributed by the
thermic effect of
Sucrose, maltose and lactose are all what type of carbohydrate
What is the acceptable macronutrient distribution range for carbohydrate
What type of carbohydrate should be consumed as less than 10% of a healthy adults overall energy intake
added sugar
Insoluble fibres and non-viscous are found in what food sources
vegetables and grains
Severe protein-energy malnutrition is classified as what
Which NRV is used to estimate the prevalence of inadequate intake within a group
1 kcal = ?kJ
4.2 kJ
Mostly manufactured by bacterial synthesis in the GI tract and given as an injection to newborns is what vitamin
vitamin K
Melons, berries, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, fortified juices, kiwi, mangos, yellow peppers, and citrus fruits are all good sources of what vitamin
vitamin C
Type of fat that provides a protective effect to chronic diseases such as obesity or heart disease
omega 3 Fatty acids
What vitamin deficiency can excessive alcohol intake cause
thiamine (B1)
What nutrient is required in small amounts
kJ in 1g of carbohydrates
Antioxidant and found in sources such as vegetable oils, whole grain cereals, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, peanut butter and wheat germ, liver, egg yolk is what vitamin
vitamin E
Fat is a vehicle for intake and absorption of what category of vitamins
fat soluble vitamins
Golden rice is a public health initiative that has been developed to help overcome deficiencies in what vitamin
vitamin A
Rate and extent that a nutrient is absorbed and used is called the
Vitamin that boost immune system, fat soluble, sourced from a few foods however also synthesised in the body
vitamin D
Deficiency in this vitamin causes night blindness or lowered immune system
vitamin A
Heme iron comes from
Role in oxygen transport, a deficiency in this mineral is a significant public health issue.
A public health intervention implemented in Cambodia to help this issue and is called the lucky ‘what’ fish deficiency
lucky iron fish
Only foods from what
source contain Heme iron?
Proteins are made up of 20
different amino acids, how
many of these amino acids
are essential?
Glucose and fructose
are single sugar units
that are also known
as what type of
A deficiency in this vitamin
may lead to osteoporosis
and osteomalacia. What is
this vitamin call?
Vitamin D
Name the group of
vitamins can be destroyed
by exposure to light,
oxidation, cooking, and
Water soluble vitamins
This mineral is required for
mineralisation of bones
and teeth and is important
in energy metabolism and
energy transfer part of
every cell. It is not calcium,
so what mineral am I?
This vitamin is important
for women planning a
pregnancy as a deficiency
can led to Spina Bifida
(neural tube defects)
Folate (folic acid)
How many kJ is
contained in 1g of
Vegans need to be aware
of risks around deficiencies
for this vitamin as it is only
found in animal products –
which vitamin am I?
Vitamin B12 (or
It is recommended that
protein makes up 10-35%
of a health adults energy
intake and this Nutrient
Reference Values (NRV) is
termed what?
Distribution Range or
This vitamin is a co-
enzyme in energy
metabolism and vegemite
is a source!
Vitamin B1 or Thiamine
There are six different
categories of nutrients,
the first five are
carbohydrates, protein,
fats, vitamins, minerals
– what is the sixth
Found in a large range of
food sources, this vitamin
is critical to energy
metabolism and important
red blood cell production.
Vitamin B2 or riboflavin
Sources can be obtained
from meat, poultry, liver,
eggs, brown rice, baked
potatoes, fish, milk, and
whole-grain foods, and the
body can make this vitamin
from the amino acid
tryptophan in the body.
Vitamin B3 (or niacin)
With a Suggested Daily
Target (SDT) of
2000mg/day, too much of
this major mineral may
causes high blood
pressure. What mineral am
Public health interventions
have used fortification to
help reduced the chances
of deficiency in this
mineral, to help minimise
any deficiencies leading to
impaired intellectual
development, goitre
and/or cretinism.
In Australia, wheat flour is
fortified with which
Folic acid
Low levels of this mineral
may increase blood
pressure. Importantly,
fruits and vegetables are
good sources of this
mineral. What mineral am
This vitamin plays a role in
chemical reactions of
proteins and amino acids
in the body.
Vitamin B6 (or
The bioavailability of this
mineral can vary across
different foods, and it is
the most abundant mineral
in the human body!
Oysters, meat, fish, milk,
legumes are all good
sources of what mineral?
In Australia, fluoride is
added to the water supply
to help to achieve an
Adequate Intake (AI) of 3-
4mg/day. What part of the
body does this mineral
play a major role in?