Week 3 Flashcards
Hematocrit HCT
F = 0.37 - 0.48 (%)
M = 0.4 - 0.52 (%)
RBC count
4.5 - 5 Million per ul
Platelet count
150,000 - 300,000 per ul
WBC count
4000 - 11,000 per ul
Neutrophil G count
40 - 70%
4000 per ul
Eosinophil G count
0 - 6%
200 per ul
Basophil G count
0 - 2%
50 per ul
Lymphocyte count
20 - 50%
2000 per ul
Monocyte count
4 - 8%
500 per ul
2 Types of Hematopoiesis
Constitutive & Stress
HSC surface markers
C-Kit (Stem cell factor receptor)
CD34 (Adhesion Molecule)
Hematopoiesis steps
Embryonic SC - LTHSC - STHSC - MPP - CLP/CMP
Cytokine definition
Glycoproteins that effect cellular functions
e.g: Erythropoietin
How long does Erythropoiesis take?
7 - 10 Days
Steps of Erythropoiesis
… - CMP - MEP - Proerythroblast - Basophil EB - Polychromatophil EB - Orthochromatic EB - Reticulocyte - Erythrocyte