Heart (2) Flashcards
What type of action potential happens in Myocytes?
Fast-response AP
Phases of a Fast-response action potential
0) Upstroke
1) Partial repolarization
2) Plateau
3) Complete Repolarization
4) Em
Duration of a Fast response AP
200 ms
What type of action potential happens in Nodal cells?
Slow-response AP
Duration of a Slow-response AP
400 ms
Slow vs Fast-response AP
- Slow does not have Phase 1&2, partial repol. & plateau
- More negative Em in fast AP
- Much greater slope&litude in fast
Spontaneous depolarization and generation of an AP
(SA, AV nodes)
- HCN4 (non-selective cation ch.)
- Na+ in
- Pre/pacemaker potential generation
(<-50 hyperpol, cAMP)
(I)Ca T
- T-type VDCC
- Na+ & Ca2+ in
- Initial depol.
(Transient= temporary/short-lived)
(I)Ca L
- L-type VDCC
- Ca2+ in
- Depolarization
- ~ -30mV
- VG types (several)
- K+ out
- Repolarization
- K+ out
- Hyperpolarization
(Ach, Vagus n, m2-R)
Does HCN channel inactivate?
HCN channel Inhibitor
T-type VDCC Inhibitor
Chronotropic effect
Effect on the Heart Rate
Dromotropic effect
Effect on the Speed of conduction
Role of Gβγ in M2-R
Activation of GIRK channels
Sympathetic heart regulation
- NE on B1-AR
- Gs, more cAMP
Threshold is reached faster with (I)f, so faster AP rate
Parasympathetic heart regulation
- Right Vagus: SA
- Left Vagus: AV
- Ach on M2-R
- Gi, less cAMP
- Gγβ, hyperpol.
Does the Vagus nerve innervate the ventricles in Humans?
Hormone effects on HR (Epi, and TH)
- Epineph: similar to NE
- Hyperthyroidism: Tachycardia
- Hypothyroidism: Bradycardia
B1-R blocker
Blocks sympathetic effect
M2-R blocker
Blocks parasymp. effect
Much stronger effect on parasymp. compared to B1-R blockers
What happens if we use both B1-R and M2-R blockers?
Propranolol & Atropine
Produce the intrinsic pacemaker frequency of the SA node
= 100 bpm
SA Node Intrinsic pacemaker freq.
100 bpm
AV Node/Bundle of His Intrinsic pacemaker freq.
40-60 bmp
Purkinje fibers Intrinsic pacemaker freq.
20-40 bpm
Myocytes Intrinsic pacemaker freq.
Under physiological conditions
(may happen in path.)
What affects conduction velocity?
- Size of current: higher current = faster conduction
- Resistance: Low R in gap junctions, thicker branches conduct faster
Why does AV node have slowest conduction?
Very thin fibers, slower cond.
To delay ventricular contraction
Effective / Absolute refractory period
Unresponsive after activation due to inactivated ion channels
Relative refractory period
Additional stimulus produces another AP, but needs stronger stimulus
ECG Depolarization and Inflection
- Positive direction= Positive inflection
- Negative direction= Negative inflection
ECG Repolarization and Inflection
- Positive direction= Negative inflection
- Negative direction= Positive inflection
Segment vs Interval on ECG
- Segment: Between waves where line is isoelectric
- Interval: Includes waves
PR (PQ) interval
- Conduction from atria to ventricles
- 0.12 - 0.20 s
QRS interval
- Ventricular depol.
- 0.06 - 0.1 s
QT interval
- Ventricular depol. and repol.
- 0.36 s
Unipolar lead
Measures the electric impulse of a point relative to a reference point
Bipolar lead
Measures electrical difference between 2 electrodes
(+ & -)
Augmented limb leads (Goldberger)
- Unipolar lead: active/exploring electrode & indifferent/reference electrode
- In Eindhoven’s Triangle
Angles of Leads on Hexaxial system
- I: 0°
- II: 60°
- III: 120°
3 bipolar leads in Eindhoven Triangle
- AVR: R.Arm -150°
- AVL: L.Arm -30°
- AVF: Left leg +90°
1st Heart Sound
- AV valve closure
- Longer, louder, lower frequency
2nd Heart Sound
- AO valve closure
- Shorter, weaker, higher pitch
Length of Cardiac cycle
0.8 s
Systole time vs electrical
- Time: Bw First and second heart sounds
- Electrical: Beginning of Q wave till end of T wave
Diastole time vs electrical
- Time: After 2nd heart sound till right before 1st heart sound
- Electrical: Isoelectric interval after T and right before P
Rules for construction of Cardiac cycle
- Liquid is incompressible
- Pressure gradient determines flow
- Valves open with blood flow
- No back-flow through closed valves
Stroke Volume (SV)
Amount of blood transported to Aorta in Systole
140 - 60 = 80ml
Ejection Fraction (EF)
Fraction of ventricular blood ejected
0.5 < EF < 0.75
140 ml
60 ml
Atrium pressure
4 - 8 mmHg
Ventricle pressure
4 - 120 mmHg
Aortic pressure
80 - 120 mmHg
Systole duration
0.27 s
Diastole duration
0.53 s
Incisure/Dicrotic Notch
Small rise in pressure during diastole representing closure of AO valve
Cardiac Output (CO)
Volume of blood being pumped by L.Ventricle into Aorta / min
= 5.6 L/m (rest)
HR x SV (70 x 80)
Total Peripheral Resistance (TPR)
Total resistance that must be overcome to push the blood through the circulatory system and create flow
(P.art. - P.ven.) / CO
1/tpr = 1/Parm + 1/Pleg + 1/Pbrain
Mean arterial B.P
93 mmHg
(Psys * 2xPdia) / 3
Why when calculating MABP we use 2x the Pdiastolic
Because since Diastole (0.53s) lasts almost 2x longer than Systole (0.27s), we give it a larger weighing by doing this
Regulation of CO
- Heterometric Reg.
- Homometric Reg.
Heterometric Regulation
How different initial fiber lengths impact contraction force
Otto Frank’s Experiment
- Proves Heterometric regulation.
- Higher preload, stronger contraction
- Greater fiber length, more forceful contraction
Starling’s Experiment
- Proves Heterometric regulation.
- Increased venous return, increasing EDV, led to greater stroke volume
Frank-Starling Law
Stroke Volume increases in response to increased ventricular blood volume (EDV), when all other factors remain constant
Increased venous return and Ventricular filling (EDV)
Aortic pressure against which the heart pumps
Effects of increased afterload on BP
Systolic and Diastolic pressures both increase, but with a constant difference bw them
Arterial pressure increases
Homometric Regulation
Force of contraction is changed independently of fiber length
Sympathetic Homometric Reg.
1) L-VGCC & RyR act. (Ca release)
2) TnI inhibits Ca binding to tropomyosin, Faster relaxation
3) Phospholamban act, regulates SERCA (in bw beats)
What Drug can achieve same results as Sympathetic Homometric Regulation
(B-AR agonist)
Parasympathetic Homometric Reg.
M2-AR = Less PKA
1) No phosph. & activation of Ryr, VGCC, TnI
2) GIRKs activated = K+
3) Atria and conducting system effected ONLY
Other factors that influence contractility
- Temperature
- Ion concentrations
- Hypoxia, Ischemia
Vessel ramification
(10^4) Small Arteries
(10^7) Arterioles
(4x10^10) Capillaries
Blood Volume in A, C, V, H
- A: 13%
- C: 7%
- V: 64%
- H: 7%
Bernoulli’s Law
Increase in speed of slow (dynamic pressure) occurs simultaneously with a decrease in hydrostatic pressure (side pressure)
Reynold’s Number
Tendency of a flow to be Turbulent or Laminar
<2000 : Laminar
>3000 : Turbulent
= (densDv) / n (visc)
Laplace’s Law
Tension within the wall of a sphere filled with a particular pressure depends on the thickness of the blood vessel wall
What vessels are Veins and Arterioles called?
- Veins: Capacitance vessels
- Arterioles: Resistance vessels
Windkessel Effect
Converts intermittent pulsatile flow from heartbeat to steady flow.
In Aorta & Large arteries (elastic)
What forms resting/Basal tone of Arterioles
- Myogenic tone (SMC)
- Sympathetic tone
Lung type vessels
- Contain elastic fibers
- Works under Passive mech.
- Very Compliant
- When Diameter increases, Resistance decreases
Kidney type vessels
- Contain smooth muscles
- Work under Active mech.
- Maintain BF in certain range via autoreg.
- Pressure increase, Resistance increase (due to tension)
Why does resistance increase in Kidney type vessels with larger pressure?
1) SMC contains stretch activated non-spec. cation channels
2) Depol. activates VGCC
3) Vasoconstriction (Bayliss)
Non-invasive BP measurement
Cuff inflated to P greater that Psys then slowly releases
Pulse pressure
Psys - Pdia = 120 - 80 = 40 mmHg
Effects of Increasing CO
- Overall Pressure increase
- Psys more affected
- Ppulse increases
Effects of Increasing TPR
- Changes Psys & Pdia equally
- No change in Ppulse due to equal change
Effects of Lower compliance
- Psys Increases
- Pdia decreases
- Higher Ppulse
1 cmH2O in mmHg
0.7 mmHg
Effects of Hormones on TPR
- Estrogen: Vasodilator, lower TPR
- Testosterone: Vasoconstrictor, higher TPR
Mean Pressure in Systemic Vessels
(Aorta, Arteries, Arterioles, Capillaries, Veins)
100, 85, 35, 15, 0
Mean Pressure in Pulmonary Vessels
(Arteries, Veins)
15, 5
Terminal Arterioles
- Smallest arterioles
- 10-50 um
- Highest in number
- Single layer of SM (symp. inn)
- Smaller than terminal arterioles
- Discontinuous SM layer (not inn)
- Origin of Capillaries
- Material exchange
Precapillary Sphincter
- One smooth muscle cell that surrounds the capillary
- Determines Open/Closed state of capillary
- Modulation of blood flow
True Capillaries
- Smallest vessel
- Exchange site
- 5-7 um
- Only endothelial cells (no SM)
- Have pores
Postcapillary Venules
- Carry blood back to veins
- Discontinuous SM
- May exchange across wall
ArterioVenous Shunt (AV-shunt)
- Bypass bw Arterial & Venous systems
- Direct link bw arteriole and venule
- NOT part of microcirculation
- Found in skin for thermoregulation (symp. control)
Continuous Capillaries
(Tight Capillary)
- Most abundant (muscle, skin, lung)
- Tight junctions
- 100-200nm
- Pinocytotic Vesicles
Fenestrated Capillaries
- For huge substance exchange
- Larger pore diameter
- Decreased wall thickness
Sinusoid (Discontinuous) Capillaries
- Pore is 1um range (even rbcs cells can cross)
- Liver, spleen, bone marrow
3 Types of Diffusion through Capillary wall
- Diffusion (ions)
- Pinocytosis (large molecules)
- Hydrodynamic fluid exchange (pores)
Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure Art & Venous
- Arteriolar: 30 - 35 mmHg
- Venous: 10 - 15 mmHg
Interstital Hydrostatic Pressure
Usually Negative, but 1mmHg in organs with a Capsule
Capillary & Interstitial Oncotic pressure (colloid osmotic)
- C: 25 mmHg
- I: 5 mmHg
Total filtration Volume in Microcirculation
- 20 ml/min Filtrated
- 18 ml/min Absorbed
- 2 ml/min in interstitium goes to Lymph
Vascular SM in periphery undergo cyclic contraction and relaxation to improve flow
Local vs Systematic Arteriolar resistance
- Local: P = Q * R
- Systematic: P = CO & TPR
How does cAMP relate to muscle contraction
1) Adenlyly Cyclase makes cAMP
2) cAMP activates PKA
3) PKA phosphorylates & inh. MLCK
4) No phosphorylation of Myosin LC
5) No contraction
How does cGMP relate to muscle contraction
1) Guanylyl Cyclase makes cGMP
2) cGMP activates PKG
3) PKG inh. IP3-R
4) PKG act. MLCP
5) K+ channel opening
Physiological Vasoconstrictors
- NE (a1-AR)
- Angiotensin II
- Endothelin I
- TXA2
- ADH / Vasopressin
Physiological Vasodilators
- Adenosine
- PGE2
- PGI2
- NO
- ANP (cGMP)
Starling Forces
Forces that control movement of Fluid in and out of Capillaries
(Hydrostatic and Oncotic Pressures)
Effective Filtration Pressure
- Positive: Filtration
- Negative: Absorption
θ = Reflection coefficient describes how permeable membrane is. (0=H2O, 1= Albumin)
What makes up Lymphatic System
- Lymphatic Capillaries
- Collecting Lymphatics
- Lymph Node
- Central Lymphatics
Lymphatic Capillaries
- Blind ended
- Uptake of fluid & Large molecules
- Button-like junctions functioning as primary valves to stop back-flow to interstitial valves
Collecting Lymphatics
- Zipper like junctions
- Lymphatic valves
- SMC coverage
- Maintains forward flow
Lymph Node
- Efferent/Afferent Lymph vessels
- Sampling and filtering in peripheral structures
Central Lymphatics
- Thoracic/Right lymphatic Duct
- Lymphovenous valve separates blood and Lymph components
Interstital Fluid makeup
- Gel Phase (99%): Hydrate coat of matrix proteins, PG, GAG, Hy. acid
- Soluble Phase (1%): Free fluid
What factor induce Lymphatic growth in Development?
Vasculoendothelial GF C
Central Venous Pressure (CVP)
0 - 2 mmHg
Pressure of Vena Cava and Right Atrium
Mean systemic filling pressure (MSFP)
Average pressure in Veins and Arteries when heart isnt pumping
= 7 mmHg in Cardiac arrest
Factors influencing Venous P changes
- Retrograde effect of Heart function
- Respiration
- Foot veins (Skeletal M)
- Walking
Pump functions on Venous system
- Peripheral musculovenous Pump
- Thoraco-abdominal Pump
Fast-acting Baroreceptors
(High P B.C)
- Stretch receptors in Aortic arch and carotid sinuses
- Sensitive in range 50-200 mmHg (carotid), 100-200 mmHg (aortic)
- Contain Elastic fibers
Slow-acting Baroreceptors
(High P B.C)
- Renin-Angiotensin system
- Detects P drop in Renal A. via mechanoreceptors in afferent arterioles of Kidney
- Pressure drop = Renin secretion
- Leads to ANGII (vasoconstrictor)
Low-Pressure Baroceptors
- Found within Venous system
- Sense changes in Blood Volume
- S/I Vena Cava & RA sinus venarum cavarum
- Help by Na+ excretion
Brainbridge Reflex
- Increase in Atrial pressure stimulates baroreceptors that travel via Vagus N to NTS to Increase HR
- Leads to more CO and increased GFR in kidney
Peripheral Chemoreceptors
- Near bifurcation of Common carotid and Aortic arch
- pO2 sensitive (mostly)
Central Chemoreceptors
- In Medulla behind BBB
- pCO2 sensitive
Cushing Reflex
Increased intracranial pressure compresses cerebral arteries and activates Central chemoreceptors and CVLM lowers HR
BP still high cause no communication bw CVLM & RVLM
What carries Baroreceptor Information to Brain centers?
- Aortic: Vagus Nerve
- Carotid: Glossopharyngeal N
(both to NTS in Medulla)
What happens when NTS is stimulated
Depressor effect
Cardiopulmonary Baroreceptor
- Low-pressure Baroreceptor
- Type A: Tension during atrial Systole
- Type B: Tension during atrial Diastole
(Info to Vagal center)
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia
- Inhalation causes Sympathetic stimulation
- Exhalation causes Parasympathetic stimulation
Affected mostly by Vagal stimulation since ACh acts quicker
Chemoreceptor Reflex
- Primary effect: Medullary Vagal center slows down HR to reduce O2 usage (hypercapnia)
- Secondary effect: Inhibits medullary vagal center, increased HR (hypocapnia)
Local Hypoxia
1) Low intracellular ATP
2) ATP-act. K+ channels open
3) Hyperpolarization
4) L-VGCC decrease act
5) Vasodilation
Reactive Hyperemia /Hypoxia
Increase in perfusion due to a short period of Ischemia
- Increase in BF is proportional to length of Ischemia
PGI2 effects
Can cause vasodilation by increasing cAMP through Gs coupled-R
AVDO2 Arterial
200 ml/L
AVDO2 Venous
150 ml/L
AVDO2 Body Average
50 ml/L
AVDO2 Heart
120 - 130 ml/L
95 mmHg
40 mmHg
Flow to Heart Rest/Exercise
- Rest: 250 ml/min
- Exercise: 1250 ml/min
O2 consumption of Heart
30 ml/min
Transmural Pressure in heart
= Extramural - Intramural P
- Ex.M: Ventricle P
- Intra. M: Aortic P
Blood flow to Skeletal Muscle Rest/Exercise
- Rest: 800 - 1000 ml/min
- Exercise: 20x higher
AVDO2 Skeletal Muscle
60 ml/L
Flow to Splanchnic and O2 consumption
1000 - 1500 ml/min
Uses 40 ml/min
AVDO2 Splanchnic
30 ml/L
What can Cholecystokinin and Gastrin cause in Splanchnic circulation
Sympathetic effect on Splanchnic Circulation
Increased venous return and CO
Flow Cutaneous Circulation
100 - 300 ml/min
AVDO2 Cutaneous
20 - 30 ml/L
Where does Thermoregulation happen
Apical Skin (Palms, Face, Plantar)
- Arteriovenous anastomosis
AVDO2 Brain
60 ml/L
Flow of Brain and O2 consumption
850 ml/min
Consumes 30 ml/L
Main Blood supply of Brain
- ICA: 350 ml/min
- Vertebral A: 75 ml/min
Perfusion P in brain when standing
15 mmHg less than MABP
93 - 15
= 78 mmHg
Total CSF
150 ml
Daily CSF production
500 ml/day
and is equal to absorption cause amount is always constant