Week 236 - Alzheimers/Dementia Flashcards
Week 236
What is the commonest form of dementia?
Dementia (50%+)
Week 236
What is the second most common type of dementia?
Vascular dementia
Week 236
What is the third most common type of dementia?
Lewy Body Dementia
Week 236
What are the ICD 10 diagnostic criteria for dementia?
- Impairment in memory for at least 6 months
- Impaired executive functioning
- Impaired language
- Impaired praxix (learned motor tasks)
- Impaired gnosis (ability to recognise objects and faces)
- Severe enough to affect relationships, work etc.
Week 236
What is the difference between dementia and mild cognitive impairment?
Dementia is: Global impairment of intellect, memory and personality resulting in impaired performance
in activities of daily living -
Mild cognitive impairment: Cognitive decline greater than that expected for an individual’s age and educational level but which does not notably
interfere with activities of daily living.
Week 236
What is presentation of Alzheimers dementia?
- Insidious onset
- Gradual deterioration
week 236
What is the nueropathology of Alzheimers?
- Deficit in cholinergic neurtoransmission
- PLaques and tangles
- Especially degraded in Hippocampal region of the brain
Week 236
What are the risk factors for Alzheimers dementia?
- Age
- Female sex
- Genetics
- Head injury
- Environmental stress
Week 236
In Alzheimers dementia, what type of placque causes what type of entanglement?
- Amyloid plaques
- Neurofibrilliary tangles
Week 236
As well as encouraging acetylcholine neurotransmitter to hang around, what other neurotransmitter is targeted in therapy for Alzheimers dementia?
- NMDA GLutamate receptors - you want to block them (low level activity of NMDA shown to have influence on AD)
Week 236
What is the presentation of Vascular dementia?
- Sudden onset
Stepwise deterioration
Insight preserved
Week 236
What are the risk factors for vascular dementia?
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Male sex
Week 236
Name some differences between parkinsons dementia and Lewy body dementia.
- In parkinsons, motor symptoms predate dementia by at least 6 months.
- In lewy body: Motor symptoms are more mild, and there is no lag in display of motor/cognitive symptoms.
Week 236
What are the symptoms of Lewy Body dementia?
Fluctuating cognition
Vivid visual hallucinations
Mild Parkinsonian features
Repeated falls
Week 236
What is Pick’s Disease?
- TAlso called Fronto-temporal dementia
- Apathy/reduced motivation/self neglect
- Disinhibition
- Socially inappropriate
- Often male with age less than 65 years
Week 236
What are the main differential diagnoses for Dementia?
- Depression (pseudodementia) - Low mood, low interest, impaired attention and interest. AWARE of memory loss, gives “don’t know” answers.
- Delirium -Acute onset, abnormal attention/arousal, impaired conscious level - usually associated with acute illness. Also known as acute confusional state.
- Secondary dementia (organic causes) - Infective, inflammatory, metabolic, endocrine, toxic, traumatic.
Week 236
What are the symptoms of Normal pressure hydrocephalus?
Recent onset dementia
Urinary incontinence
PMH SAH or meningitis in about 40%
Potentially reversible by CSF shunting
Week 236
What is Korsakoff’s dementia? What are its symptoms?
Related to history of alcohol dependence
Caused by Vitamin B1 deficiency (thiamine)
Follows acute Wernicke’s encephalopathy
(ataxia, ophthalmoplegia, nystagmus, confusion)
Week 236
Genetics of Alzheimers: Presenilin 2, gene PS2 is found on which chromosome?
Chromosome 1
Associated with Early onset AD
Week 236
Genetics of Alzheimers: Presenilin 1, gene PS1 is found on which chromosome?
Chromosome 14
Associated with early onset AD
Week 236
Genetics of Alzheimers: Beta Amyloid precursor protein gene APP is found on which chromosome?
Chromosome 21
Associated with early onset AD
Week 236
Apolipoprotein E gene apoE4 is found on which chromosome?
Chromosome 19
Associated with Late onset dementia (above 65)
Week 236
Alzheimer type dementia and Lewy body dementia: What are the Treatment options?
- If mild-moderate: Anticholinesterase
- Moderate-advanced: Memantine (blocks NMDA receptors)
Week 236
What are the treatment options for Vascular Dementia?
- Low dose aspirin
- Statin
- Manage BP and BLood sugars
- Lifestyle advice