Myocardial Infection (M.I) Flashcards
Fesicular breath sounds are?
Normal breath sounds.
The presenting complaint should be written in the ____ _____
Patients words
Acute coronary syndromes include?
ST-Elevation myocaridal infarction (STEMI) Non ST- Elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) Unstable Angina (UA)
What is the difference between NSTEMI and UA?
In NSTEMI there is occluding thrombus, which leads to myocardial necrosis and a rise in serum troponins or CK-MB.
When does Myocardial infarction occur?
When cardiac myocytes die due to myocardial ischaemia.
What is a Type 1 Myocardial infarction?
Spontaneous MI with Ischaemia due to a primary coronary event, e.g. plaque erosion/rupture, fissuring or dissection.
What is a type 2 MI?
MI secondary to Ischaemia due to increased oxygen demand or decreased supply, such as coronary spasm, coronary embolism, anaemia, arrhythmias, hypertension or hypotension.
What are type 3 MI’s?
Diagnosis of MI in sudden cardiac death.
What are type 4a MI’s?
Diagnosis of MI after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Trop x5 >99th centile)
What is a type 5 MI?
Diagnosis of MI after Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). Trop x 10 >99th centile
What is the common mechanism to acute coronary syndrome?
Rupture or erosion of the fibrous cap of a coronary artery plaque. This leads to platelet aggregation and adhesion, localised thrombosis, vasoconstriction and distal thrombus embolisation. Thrombus formation, and the vasoconstriction produced by platelet release of serotonin and thromboxane A2 results in myocardial ischaemia due to reduction of coronary blood flow.
In pleural effusion, tracheal deviation is ___. Expansion is ___, the percussion note is ____Tactile vocal phremetis and breath sounds are _____.
Away from the effusion. Reduced Stony Dull Decreased
In pneumothorax tracheal deviation is ___. Expansion is ___, the percussion note is ____Tactile vocal phremetis and breath sounds are _____.
Central in normal - Away in Tension Decreased Hyperresonant Decreased
In Lung collapse tracheal deviation is ___. Expansion is ___, the percussion note is ____Tactile vocal phremetis is _____and breath sounds are _____.
Towards the collapsed lung Decreased or equal Dull Reduced Reduced or absent
In Pneumonia tracheal deviation is ___. Expansion is ___, the percussion note is ____Tactile vocal phremetis and breath sounds are _____. Added sounds are ____ and/or ____
Central Equal or decreased Dull Increased (bronchial breathing) Crackles - Coarse Pleural Rub
In COPD tracheal deviation is ___. Expansion is ___, the percussion note is ____Tactile vocal phremetis and breath sounds are _____. Added sounds are ____.
Central Hyper-inflated, equal, but expands less Hyperresonant Decreased Expiratory polyphonic wheeze
In ABG, you must perform which test, and why?
Allen’s test - to check that hand perfusion is suitable from ulnar artery alone.
What does JACCOL stand for in note taking?
Jaundice, anaemia, clubbing, cyanosis, oedema or lymphadenopathy.
Anosmia is an abnormality of which cranial nerve?
1 - Olfactory
Partial sight/blindness, scotoma, aniscoria and optic disk changes are all signs of a problem with which cranial nerve?
II - Optic
Impaired or lost accommodation reflex, strabismus, diplopia and nystagmus indicate a problem with which cranial nerves?
III - Oculomotor IV - Trochlear VI - Abducens
Impaired or distorted facial sensation, corneal reflex, and weakness of chewing movement indicate a problem with which cranial nerve?
V - Trigeminal
Facial weakness, and loss of or change in taste at the front of the tongue indicate a problem with which cranial nerve?
VII - Facial
A Lower motor neuron lesion does not spare the forehead - true or false?
True. an UMN spares it.