Week 21 Flashcards
a particular pattern of behaviour and thinking that prevails across time and situations and differentiates one person from another
Psychoanalytical theory
Theory of personality based on conflict between the conscious and unconscious mind and on developmental stages tied to bodily functions
What are the three components of personality according to Freud?
Id, ego, superego
unconscious reservoir of psychic energy
Strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives
Operates on a pleasure principle and demands immediate gratification
Largely conscious
Mediates the conflict between the id, superego, and reality
Strives to satisfy the id’s desires in appropriate ways that bring pleasure instead of pain
Operates on a reality principle
Partly conscious, partly unconscious
Strives to live up to internalized ideals and desires to follow the rules and restrictions society places on us
Punishes the ego by creating guilt and shame
What are the five psychosexual stages of personality development according to Freud?
Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital
Oral stage
pleasure comes form the mouth and sucking, biting and chewing, fixation may result in smoking and sarcasm
Anal stage
The anus and bowel and bladder elimination
Fixation may create OCD cleaning behaviours
Phallic stage
The genitals (self-focused) and attraction towards opposite sex parents
Fixation may cause attraction to people like one’s opposite sex parent
Development of the sugerego
Not applicable sexual feelings remain latent and dominant
Fixation is not applicable
The genitals (self and other-focused) and mature behaviour (giving and receiving pleasure) Fixation causes immature sexuality that is either self or other focused
Defense mechanisms
Influences a person’s personality by preventing unacceptable or anxiety-producing motives and thoughts from being conscious
What are the seven kinds of defense mechanisms?
Repression, reaction formation, projection, sublimation, rationalization, and conversion, regression
The mind’s active attempt to prevent traumatic memories from reaching conscious awareness
Reaction formation
Replacing anxiety provoking ideas with its opposite
Denial of one’s unacceptable feeling and desires and finding them in others
Channeling psychic energy from an unacceptable drive into more acceptable ones
Creating an acceptable reason for a behaviour that is actually performed for a less acceptable reason
The manifestation of a psychic conflict in terms of physical symptoms
Are there scientific proofs behind these defense mechanisms?
some but not all
What are the categories for defense mechanism?
Immature defenses, intermediate defenses, mature defenses
Immature defenses
distort reality the most and leads to ineffective behaviour
Projection, regression, and displacement
Intermediate defenses
Less distortion of reality and lead to somewhat more effective behaviour
Repression, reaction formation, and sublimation