Week 2: Origins of the Republic Flashcards
Who built Rome’s first walls?
Servius (in 500 BC)
What does the presence of Rome’s first walls suggest?
Rome had become an important city
What temple gave Rome the status of the leader of the Latin League?
Temple of Diana (Aventine Hill)
Describe the terms of the Latin League
- Intermarriage between constituent cities’s citizens encouraged
- Citizenship recognized between all Latin League cities
- Each city had its own king
- Despite being independent, they were all tied to Rome
What is the official term for the Roman 2 consul system of the Republic?
What restraints on power did the new Republican constitution provide?
- 1 year terms max for each consul
- Ability to vote someone out of power
- Each consul could veto each other’s actions
Who was the first consul to step down from office?
(a Tarquin)
Why did Collotinus step down?
The Roman people did NOT want to be ruled by a Tarquin
Why does Livy praise the consul Valerius?
- Valerius’ co-consul, Brutus was killed in action
- Valerius, after defeating the Alba Longans, returned to Rome alone
- People worried that Valerius might go for kingship, now that he has power alone
- But, Valerius insists on waiting for the election of a new consul
What are the 3 power blocks of the Republican System?
- The 2 Consuls
- The Senate
- The Centuriate Assembly
What was the monarchial aspect of the Republican system?
The Consuls
What was the Democratic aspect of the Republican system?
The People’s Assemblies
What was the Aristocratic aspect of the Republican system?
The Senate (mostly aristocrats
True or False: The 2 consuls were completely equal in power.
- One consul always had a bit more power than the other, but they took turns for the power role
- Ex. one month, consul 1 would lead the army and consul 2 stayed home for judicial matters, the next month, vice versa.
- Also, only one consul at a time had lictors
What was typically seen as the first step away from Monarchy?
- The first formally written constitution
(The Constitution of the Roman Republic) - Why? Kings have no need to write things equally for all; A united society does.