Week 1: Early Rome Flashcards
When do Romans finally start writing down their early history in Latin?
100-27 BC
Who are considered to be Rome’s 3 founders?
- Romulus
- Camilius
- Marius
Who was the earliest known Roman historian?
Quintus Fabius Pictor
(wrote about Political/Military History in Greek)
Livy’s books __ to __ are on Early Rome
Books 1-5
True or False: Livy was from a high class Patrician family.
Livy had humbler origins, as seen by the fact that he only had two names (Titus Livius)
True or False: Livy was at one point a politician.
This is what distinguishes him from most Roman historians of the time.
What rival historian criticized Livy?
What were the 3 important Italian regions at the time of Early Roman history?
- Etruria
- Latium
- Campania
What was the Etruscan homeland called?
Rome was first inhabited on the ___________ hill.
(*bonus: but a bit on Esquiline Hill aswell)
What two different options of Romulus’ fate does Livy present?
- Romulus ascended to the heavens
OR - Romulus was assassinated by senators
What was distinct about early Roman Kingship?
- They had 2 kings
- One of the kings HAD to be a Sabine
What Sabine king co-ruled with Romulus?
Titus Tatius
Who was Rome’s first single king?
What did Numa do?
–> Most famous for religious reforms (ex. founding of all the main cults)
–> Created the framework for the Roman calendar
–> Most early political reforms are attributed to him
What did Livy have to say about the Sabines?
–> They were super-intelligent and reasonable people
–> When people said Numa was remarkable because of his Greek education, Livy said NO, he is remarkable because he was a Sabine.
Who was the first king to expand outside of Rome?
Tullus Hostilius
Who did Tullus Hostillius conquer?
The Alba Longans
What caused Rome’s war against Alba Longa?
- Dispute over Alba Longan cattle raids
- Hostilius demands the cows to be returned (including a due date)
- Alba Longans agree, but couldn’t get the cows back for the due date)
What story is best known from the Alba Longan war?
The duel of the Horatii against the Curiatii
(Horatii (roman) send triplets to fight against the Curiatii (Alba Longan) triplets, to decide the battle)
Describe the Roman method of declaring war
- Romans would throw a spear into enemy territory, which signalled that war would take place in 30 days.
Who introduced the custom of spear throwing as a Roman war declaration?
Ancus Marcus
Who was Rome’s first Etruscan King?
Lucius Tarquinius Priscus
(He fled from the Etruscans and became Ancus Marcus’ right hand man)
Who built what would later become the Circus Maximus?
Who made the Servian Constitution?
Servius Tullius
Describe the Servian Constitution
- Basically, all male Roman citizens are divided up into military units
- Poor Romans = Light infantry
- Middle Class Romans = Infantry
- Elite Romans = Cavalry
Who did the first ever census in Rome?
Servius Tullius
Who was the last King of Rome?
Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Tarquin the Arrogant)
Who had Servius Tullius assasinated?
Tarquin the Arrogant
What are the 5 themes of Livy’s first pentad?
- Monarchy is problematic
- Liberty
- Restraint is needed
- Compromise is necessary
- Religious duties are important as well
Describe Early Roman Monarchy
- King ruled for life
- King controls all 3 branches of government
Has a Senate (100 old men to ratify votes) - Has a Comitia Curiata (30 curiae who vote for the king)
Who raped Lucretia?
Sextus Tarquinius (Tarquin the Arrogant’s son)
Explain Lucretia’s story:
-Lucretia was raped by Sextus Tarquinius
- She demands her husband and father to seek revenge on Sextus Tarquinius and his ruling father, Tarquin the Arrogant for this horrible act
- She then stabs herself to death
Who was Lucretia’s husband?
Tarquinius Collatinus
Who pulled the bloody sword from Lucretia’s body, and vowed revenge?
_________accepted the hospitality of Latinus, who gave him his daughter in marriage. They began to build a settlement, named _________
Who offered warm hospitality to Aeneas after he fled from Troy?