week 2-Microscopes, Staining, Taxonomy Flashcards
Differences in intensity between two objects, or an object and its background
magnification lenses
What magnification does the blue objective lens provide?
can see some protozoa/fungi
What magnification does the white objective lens provide?
needed for bacteria
What magnification do the oculars provide?
What is the TOTAL magnification the blue objective lens and oculars can provide?
What is the TOTAL magnification the white objective lens and oculars can provide?
What is the purpose of the oil used with the white objective lens?
Oil immersion lens increases resolution (detail)
What is electron microscope used for
to see very small bacterial virus
inside bacterial cells (ultrastructures)
what a Transmission Electron Microscope can show you
observe internal structures of cells and to see small bacteria and viruses
what a Scanning Electron microscope can show you?
can observe surface details of microbes and outer cellular structures
What can dark-field microscopy be used for?
-Live specimens(no staining)
-Specimen appears light against dark background
-also used for colorless microorganisms
What is the importance/purpose of staining?
increases contrast and resolution
Acidic dye
Basic dye
Acidic dyes stain alkaline structures
* Basic dyes stain acidic structures
What is a simple stain and what can it show?
Composed of one single basic dye
-Used to determine size, shape, and arrangement of cells
What is a differential stain and what can it show (beyond what a simple stain would show)?
Use more than one dye
Distinguishes between different cells,
chemicals, or structures
Gram stain
Distinguishes between cell walls—
-Gram positive cell walls stain purple(crystal violet)
-Gram negative cell walls stain pink(safranin)
Acid-Fast Stain
used to stain cells with waxy cell walls that would not be able to retain the stains in the Gram stain technique
Endospore Stain
will show endospore
What “special” stains can be used in microbiology?
-Simple stains used to identify specific microbial structures
-Negative stains
-Flagler stains
-Fluorescent stains
Why is the Gram stain the most important stain for bacteria?
distinguishes between gram positive or gram negative wall
List and describe the correct order of steps for a Gram stain (assume your slide is already prepared). Be able to describe results (color of cells) after each step
start with fixed smear
1 -cover with crystal violet dye
-(wait one minute, then rinse with water)
-all cells should be purple
2-cover with iodine- allows cv to stick to cells
(wait one minute, rinse with water)
3-hold slide at slant-
-rinse slide with alcohol drop by drop
15 seconds/rinse water-
-will decolorize and show difference in pos (purple) and neg(clear)
4-Put safranin on slide
-wait one minute-rinse with water
-Gram positive are purple, gram negative are pink
-blot with paper so water is gone
What is the purpose of the iodine in a gram stain?
Helps crystal violet stick to cells
What is the purpose of the alcohol in a gram stain?
Helps decolorize- will show different colors in gram negative walls and gram positive
Define “taxonomy”—what is the purpose of classifying organisms?
consists of classification and organization of organisms
-Make predictions based on knowledge of similar organisms
* To understand evolutionary connections
What is the general difference between “higher” level groups and “lower” level groups of classification?
-The higher levels are more general, cover more ground
-lower levels become very specific and general to properly identify what it is
-as you get lower, you share more characteristics with other people in group
If 2 bacteria are in the same Genus—what information does that give you?
share many characteristics
like brothers
Describe how a species is named using binomial nomenclature
-First name is genus
-second name is specific epithet
-together they indicate the specific species an organism belongs to
(what is a specific epithet?
What does the specific epithet describe?
describes a specific unique characteristics (usually an adjective) of the organism
What is the proper protocol when writing the name of a species? How can a species be abbreviated?
Genus is capitalized
specific epihpet is lower case
How does a dichotomous key work?
Series of paired statements where only one of two “either/or” choices applies to any particular organism
Family tree looking thing
What are some of the main types of criteria and lab techniques used for classifying and identifying microorganism
-Physical characteristics
* Biochemical tests
* Serological tests
* Phage typing
* Analysis of nucleic acids
How can carbohydrate fermentation tests (a type of biochemical test) help identify microorganisms?
Ability to ferment a specific carbohydrate
Ability to utilize certain molecules like amino acids, starch, citrate
use biochemical tests to identify pathogens
What are some of the main ways bacteria are classified by taxonomy