What does nephro mean?
Greek meaning kidneys
What does renal mean?
Latin means kidneys
What is the size of the kidneys
How much do kidneys weigh?
How much blood is processed by the kidneys per minute
What covers the anterior aspect of the kidneys
Parietal peritoneum
Are they peritoneal or retroperitoneal
Where do the kidneys sit
B/w T12 and L3 in the paravertebral gutters
Which kidney sits lowest?
The right (as the liver is sitting above it)
How much can the kidneys move during respiration/
What separates the kidneys
The renal fascia which surrounds the perinephric fat and extends as a dome over the superior pole and suprarenal gland.
Where does the fascia of the anterior and posterior border of the kidneys fuse?
Lateral renal border (but not the medial border)
What is a hilum?
An indentation in an organ where structures enter and leave the organ
What is above the kidneys?
The diaphragm
What is posterior to the kidneys?
Lower ribs QL TA Iliohypogastric nerves ilioinguinal nerves
What is anterior to the kidneys?
Liver, duodenum, ascending colon
Stomach, spleen, descending colon, pancreas, jejunum
What level is the hilum of each kidney at?
The transpyloric plane
What do the hila of each kidney extend into?
The renal sinus
At what level is the transpyloric plane?
L1 (midway between jugular notch and pubic symphysis)
What structures come into the hilum, anterior to posterior
Renal vein
Renal artery
Pelvis of the ureters
What is the arterial supply for the kidneys?
2 short renal arteries which arise at the level of L1/L2 IVD
Where does the right renal artery pass?
Posterior to the IVC
How many parts do the arteries branch into?
5 branches
Is there a collateral circulation between the arteries of the different segments?
Based on the arterial blood supply, how many parts is the kidney divided into?
Do the renal vein segments communicate?
Yes, unlike the arteries
Where does the right renal vein drain into?
Where does the left renal vein drain into?
Over the abdominal aorta and into the IVC
What is the nerve supply for the kidneys?
- T10-T11 sympathetics, preganglionic through the T splanchnic nerves, postganglionic through the coeliac and renal ganglia.
- Vagus nerve, CNX
What is cortex latin for?
What does the cortex form in the kidneys?
The outer shell as well as the columns which lie between the individual units of the medulla and extend towards the renal pelvis as the renal columns
What do the renal columns lie between?
Triangular, striated areas called the medullary pyramids
What does the point of each peak of each medullary pyramid extend towards?
It protrudes into part of the urine collecting system (The calyceal system)
What is the pointed tip of each medulla called?
The papilla
How medullary pyramids does each human kidney have?
How many nephrons are in each kidney (approximately)?
1 million
What is the smallest unit capable of producing urine?
The nephron
What are the 2 parts of the nephron?
The glomerulus
The cortical and medullary tubular systems
Where does the initial filtration of blood occur?
The glomerulus
Where are all the glomeruli found?
Within the cortex
What is the renal pelvis?
A flattened funnel shaped expansion of the superior end of the ureters
What does each renal pelvis consist of?
2 or 3 major calyces/calices, each of which divides into 2 or 3 minor calyces.
What are minor calyces indented by?
Renal papillae, the apex of the renal pyramid
What are the 3 major functions of the kidneys?
Filter blood (1200ml/min)
Remove wastes and toxins
Assist in the regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance