Week 15 Terms Flashcards
Complete destruction of tissue
Active electrode
Point of the electrosurgical instrument that delivers current to tissue
Active electrode monitoring (AEM)
Electrosurgical instrument system that monitors the impedance of instruments and stops the flow of electricity when it reaches a critical level
Alternating current (AC)
Electrical current that changes directions and transmits high-voltage electricity
Phenomenon of increasing wave height by lining up the peaks and troughs of individual waves
Inert gas used in electrosx to direct and shroud the electrical current
Bipolar circuit
Electrosurgical circuit in which current travels from the power unit through an instrument containing two opposite poles in contact with the tissue and then returns directly to the energy source
Blended mode
Combination of intermediate frequency and intermediate wave intervals
Carbon dioxide
Inert gas used as a lasing medium during laser sx
Use of a hot object to burn tissue to achieve coagulation
The flow of electricity through a conductive medium
Sticky, semiliquid substance that forms when tissue is altered by electrical or ultrasonic energy
Quality of laser light in which all light waves are lined up with trough and peaks matching
Quality of a material to give up electrons easily and thus transmit electrical current
Continuous wave lasers
Lasers that emit the laser light continuously rather than in pulses
Method of tissue destruction in which a probe is inserted into a tumor or tissue mass. High-pressure argon gas is injected into the probe.
Use of extremely low temperature to destroy diseased tissue
Flow of electricity
Cavitron ultrasonic surgical aspirator (CUSA)
Instrument that destroys tumors through the use of ultrasound (high frequency sound waves)
Cutting mode
Use of high voltage and relatively low frequency to cut through tissue
Removal of water from tissue, causing it to die
Direct coupling
Transfer of electrical current from an active electrode to another conductive instrument by accident or as part of the electrosurgical process
Direct current (DC)
Type of low-voltage current generated by battery
Dispersive electrode
Component of the electrosurgical circuit that spreads current at the point where it exists the body and thus prevents injury
Duty cycle
Duration of current flow; can intermittently be applied to produce the desired effect on tissue
Direct use of electricity to cut and coagulate tissue
Electrosurgical unit (ESU)
Power generator and control source in the electrosurgical system
Electrosurgical vessel sealing
Type of bipolar electrosurgery in which tissue is welded together using low voltage, low temperature, and a high-frequency current
Charred and burned tissue created by a high-voltage current
Type of lasing energy that is created when electrons are removed from the lasing medium
Excitation source
Energy that causes the atoms of a lasing medium (gas or solid) to vibrate
Periodicity of electromagnetic waves
Process of tissue surface destruction used in electrosx
Grounding pad
Patient return electrode
Solid crystal lasing medium that penetrates a wide variety of substances
Constriction of electrical current by a nonconductive material or an area of high density. Results in the transformation of electricity into thermal energy
Inactive electrode
Patient return electrode
Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
Laser head
Component of the laser system that holds the lasing medium
Lasing medium
Solid or gas that is sensitive to atomic excitation by an energy source, which creates intense laser light and energy
Lateral heat
Unintentional heating of tissue outside the direct area of electrosurgical application; aka Thermal spread
Monopolar circuit
Continuous path of electricity that flows from ESU to active electrode, then through patient and return electrode, then back to ESU
Quality of a substance that resists the transfer of electrons and therefore electrical current
Destruction of cataracts using ultrasound technology
Electromagnetic energy in which frequency is in the area of radiotransmission
Radiofrequency ablation (RFA)
Use of radiofrequency waves to destroy a tissue mass or surface
Restriction of electron flow in a direct current circuit
Smoke plume
Toxic smoke emitted by tissue during electrosx and laser sx
Spray coagulation
Ultrasonic energy
High frequency energy created by vibration or excitation of molecules; destroys tissue by breaking molecular bonds